Console commands - Stellaris Wiki (2024)

If you want to contribute to this page, which is a work in progress, in the console type "help" to see the list of commands, then to see a description and parameter of a command, type "help [command-name]", and put the corresponding details into the list.

This page lists the codes which may be input into the console window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing Shift+2, ALT+2+1, Shift+3,§, ~, ^, °, ², or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). For a QWERTY keyboard, the key is `. Else, try pressing Shift + Alt + C if none of the above worked. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary. The console also comes with menus and buttons for the most common commands.

Most IDs are predefined and can be found on the ID page. Species, leader, empire and pop IDs however are defined when the game is created and have to be found with the debugtooltip command.

Trait IDs can also be found by hovering over the trait in the debug window.

Cheats are console commands that can be used to give unfair advantages as opposed to sole testing purposes.

CommandEffectParametersExampleactivate_all_traditionsActivates all TraditionsNoneactivate_all_traditionsactivate_ascension_perkActivates the specified Ascension Perk, pressing tab reveals all IDs[AP id]activate_ascension_perk ap_mind_over_matteractivate_gatewaysActivates all gateways in the galaxyNoneactivate_gatewaysactivate_relicActivates the triumph effect of [relic id][relic id]activate_relic r_unbidden_warlockactivate_traditionActivates the specified Tradition, pressing tab reveals all IDs including tree adoption[tradition id]activate_tradition tr_prosperity_sctadd_anomalyAdds the specified anomaly to the selected celestial body, pressing tab reveals all IDs[anomaly id]add_anomaly life_asteroid_categoryadd_intelAdds [amount] of intel towards [target], default 10[target] [amount]add_intel 1 100add_loyaltyAdds [amount] of loyalty from [target], default 10[target] [amount]add_loyalty 1 50add_opinionIncreases the [source] empire's Opinion of the [target] empire by [amount], default 40[source] [target] [amount]add_opinion 1 0 100add_popsCreates [amount] of pops from [species id] on the selected celestial body, entering without ID reveals all species IDs[species id] [amount]add_pops 0 5add_relicGrants [relic id], writing all instead of the ID grants all relics. Same relic can be added multiple times.
NOTE: Cybrex War Forge will not work correctly the first time it's activated if added this way[relic id]add_relic r_unbidden_warlockadd_shipCreates a fleet with one ship of [design name], pressing tab reveals the NPC ship names
NOTE: Spawned juggernauts will not be able to build, upgrade or repair ships[design name]add_ship Avataradd_spynetwork_valueAdds [amount] of infiltration progress on [target][target] [amount]add_spynetwork_value 1 1000add_timeAdds [amount] of [unit] time, valid units are days, months and years[unit] [amount]add_time years 10add_trait_leaderAdds [trait id] to [leader id], entering only the leader ID reveals all trait IDs for that class, opposite traits cannot be added[leader id] [trait id]add_trait_leader 1 leader_trait_gale_speedadd_trait_speciesAdds [trait id] to [species id][species id] [trait id]add_trait_species 5 intelligentadvance_council_agendaAdds [amount] of progress to the council agenda, entering without an amount readies the agenda for launch[amount]advance_council_agenda 1000aiToggles the AI on or offNoneaialloysAdds [amount] of Alloys, default 5000[amount]alloys 500annexTakes control of all worlds and starbases of target[target][annex] 3break_fleet_contractReturns the selected leased fleet to its original ownerNonebreak_fleet_contractbuild_popsAssembles [amount] of pops to the selected celestial body, requires a currently assembling species[amount]build_pops 5cashAdds [amount] of Energy Credits, defaults 5000[amount]cash 500colonizeStarts the colonization process of the selected celestial body using a copy of the pop with the ID given, uncolonizable celestial bodies will not make colonization progress[colonizer pop id]colonize 1communicationsEstablishes communications with all empiresNonecommunicationscontactStarts first contact with all empiresNonecontactcreate_megastructureCreates a Megastructure in the current system, pressing tab reveals the IDs
NOTE: Orbital Rings cannot be correctly spawned[megastructure id]create_megastructure gateway_finalcreate_navyCreates a fleet using your most recent designs that uses [amount] percentage of Naval Capacity, 1 means 100%[amount]create_navy 0.5damageAll ships in the selected fleet take [amount] hull damage[amount]damage 100debug_nomenToggles AI empires always refusing player proposalsNonedebug_nomendebug_yesmenToggles AI empires always agreeing to player proposalsNonedebug_yesmeneffect add_building =Adds [building id] to the selected celestial body[building id]effect add_building = building_fe_domeeffect add_deposit =Adds [deposit id] resource deposit or planetary feature to the selected celestial body[deposit id]effect add_deposit = d_arid_highlandseffect remove_deposit =Removes [deposit id] resource deposit or planetary feature to the selected celestial body[deposit id]effect remove_deposit = d_arid_highlandseffect add_district =Adds [district id] to the selected celestial body[district id]effect add_district = district_cityeffect add_planet_devastation =Adds [amount] of Devastation to the selected celestial body, negative values lower it[amount]effect add_planet_devastation = 10effect add_situation_progress =Adds [amount] of progress to the selected situation[amount]effect add_situation_progress = 20effect country_add_ethic =Adds [ethic id] to the player empire, using more than 3 ethic points will remove lowest attraction ethics[ethic id]effect country_add_ethic = ethic_spiritualisteffect country_remove_ethic =Removes [ethic id] from the player empire[ethic id]effect country_remove_ethic = ethic_spiritualisteffect create_archaeological_site =Adds [archaeological site id] to the selected celestial body, writing random creates a random archeological site[archaeological site id]effect create_archaeological_site = lithoids_digsiteeffect destroy_situation = thisEnds the selected situationNoneeffect destroy_situation = thiseffect force_add_civic =Adds [civic id] to the player empire, incompatible civics will remain inactive[civic id]effect force_add_civic = civic_corporate_dominioneffect force_remove_civic =Removes [civic id] to the player empire[civic id]effect force_remove_civic = civic_meritocracyeffect remove_megastructure = thisRemoves the selected megastructureNoneeffect remove_megastructure = thiseffect remove_modifier =Removes [modifier id] from the selected celestial body, or empire if none is selected[modifier id]effect remove_modifier = holy_planeteffect set_origin =Replaces the origin of the player empire with[origin id]effect set_origin = origin_fallen_empireeffect shift_ethic =Shifts the player empire's ethics to [ethic id][ethic id]effect shift_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualisteffect destroy_colonyDecolonizes the selected worldNoneeffect destroy_colonyelectionStarts a ruler electionNoneelectionend_senate_sessionPasses/fails the currently voted resolutionNoneend_senate_sessionengineeringAdds [amount] of Engineering tech points, default 5000[amount]engineering 500eventTriggers [event id], worlds can be selected manually but ships require [target id][event id] [target id]event anomaly.1 0federation_add_experienceAdds [amount] of Experience to the Federation, default 1000[amount]federation_add_experience 1200federation_add_cohesionAdds [amount] of Cohesion to the Federation, default 200[amount]federation_add_cohesion 10federation_add_cohesion_speedAdds [amount] of Monthly Cohesion to the Federation, default 10[amount]federation_add_cohesion_speed 10federation_examine_leaderTriggers a Federation successionNonefederation_examine_leaderfinish_arc_stageFinishes the current chapter of an archaeological site, requires selecting its celestial body and a science ship excavating itNonefinish_arc_stagefinish_researchFinishes all active researchNonefinish_researchfinish_special_projectsFinishes all special projectsNonefinish_special_projectsfinish_terraformFinishes all terraforming processesNonefinish_special_projectsfoodAdds [amount] of Food, default 5000[amount]food 500force_integrateIntegrates [target] empire into the player's empire, will not work if on integration cooldown[target]force_integrate 2force_senate_voteEnds the current senate recessNoneend_senate_sessionfree_governmentToggles allowing player to change governments without the time limit and ignores civics restrictionsNonefree_governmentfree_policiesToggles allowing player to change policies and species rights without restriction, including policies previously disabledNonefree_policiesgrow_popsAdds [amount] of pops to selected world, requires a currently growing pop[amount]grow_pops 10hire_all_leadersHires all leaders in the leader poolNonehire_all_leadersinfluenceAdds [amount] of Influence, default 5000[amount]influence 500instant_buildToggles instantly finishing constructions and upgrades and resource storage becomes unlimited
WARNING: This also applies to enemy AI so only use while pausednoneinstant_buildinstant_specialization_conversionToggles instantly converting specialized subjectsnoneinstant_specialization_conversionintelGives sight of the entire galaxyNoneintelinvinciblePlayer ships will not take damageNoneinvinciblemax_resourcesFills all resource storagesNonemax_resourcesmineralsAdds [amount] of Minerals, default 5000[amount]minerals 500observeSwitches to observer mode, use the play command to revert control
WARNING: If the game is unpaused in observer mode the AI will take control of the player empireNoneobserveownTake ownership and control of the selected fleet, starbase or planet, or if none is selected takes ownership of the planet ID given as an argument. Uncolonizable celestial bodies will be created as colonies but have no capital building[planet id]ownphysicsAdds [amount] of Physics tech points, default 5000[amount]physics 500planet_ascension_tierChanges the ascension tier of the selected celestial body to [amount], can go above regular values[amount]planet_ascension_tier 3planet_classChanges the selected celestial body to [celestial body id][planet class id]planet_class pc_aridplanet_happinessAdds a modifier with [amount] Happiness to the selected planet, default 100[amount]planet_happiness 25planet_sizeChanges the Size of the selected celestial body, can go above regular sizes but above 78 will move the celestial body backwards[size]planet_size 30playSwitches player control to empire [empire ID][empire ID]play 2random_rulerReplaces the empire ruler with a new random oneNonerandom_rulerremove_trait_leaderRemoves [trait id] from [leader id], entering only the leader ID reveals the name for all current traits.[leader id] [trait id or index]remove_trait_leader 1 leader_trait_gale_speedremove_trait_speciesRemoves [trait id] from [species id][species id] [trait id]remove_trait_species 5 intelligentresearch_all_technologiesInstantly researches all non-repeatable technologies. Add 1 for space creatures and crisis techs too. Add a second number for [amount] of repeatable technologies.[boolean] [amount]research_all_technologies 1 5research_technologyInstantly research [technology id][technology id]research_technology tech_automated_explorationresourceAdds [amount] of [resource], default 5000[amount] [resource]resource consumer_goods 1000skillsAdds [amount] of skill levels to every leader hired by the player, default 1[amount]skills 9skip_agreement_cooldownsToggles allowing the change of subject terms of agreement without cooldownnoneskip_agreement_cooldownsskip_federation_cooldownsToggles allowing the change of federation laws without cooldownnoneskip_federation_cooldownsskip_galactic_community_cooldownsToggles allowing the proposition of resolutions from the same group without cooldownnoneskip_galactic_community_cooldownssocietyAdds [amount] of Society tech points, default 5000[amount]society 500surveySurveys all celestial bodies, requires at least one science shipNonesurveytechupdateRe-rolls the current available tech choicesNonetechupdateunityAdds [amount] of Unity, default 500[amount]unity 5000unlock_edictsUnlocks all edictsNoneunlock_edictsupdate_leader_poolRefreshes the leader poolNoneupdate_leader_pool branchofficeCreate or take control of the branch office on the selected worldNonebranchoffice minor_artifactsAdds [amount] of Minor Artifacts, default 5000[amount]minor_artifacts 100 menaceAdds [amount] of Menace, default 5000[amount]menace 1000 imperial_authorityAdds [amount] of Imperial Authority, default 10[amount]imperial_authority 20 add_subject_xpAdds [amount] of specialized subject experience to [target], default 10[target] [amount]add_subject_xp 1 1000 effect unlock_council_slots = 1Unlocks a council slotNoneeffect unlock_council_slots = 1 astral_threadsAdds [amount] of Astral Threads, default 5000[amount]astral_threads 100 finish_rift_stageFinishes the current chapter of the selected astral riftNonefinish_rift_stage set_completed_riftsSets the number of completed Astral Rifts to [amount][amount]set_completed_rifts 2 spawn_astral_riftSpawns [astral rift id] in the current system or a random one if none is entered, pressing tab reveals all IDs
WARNING: The Crystal Rift will not end properly if spawned[astral rift id]spawn_astral_rift station advanced_logicAdds [amount] of Advanced Logic, default 5000[amount]advanced_logic 1000
IDMajor eventNotesRequired selectionakx.8888The Horizon SignalCan start the Horizon Signal event, selected ship must have a leader and be in a black hole systemShipanomaly.95Voyager 1Can start the Solar Coordinates event if the Sol system exists somewhere in the galaxyShipanomaly.186LimboWith the right technology and AI policies you can resurrect them as a new colony or as a new empireShipanomaly.2523Gigantic SkeletonGain a Skeletal Giant armyShipanomaly.3085The PrinceEvent with small but permanent opinion effectsShipcolony_mod.101Titanic Life Study: SuccessAllows the recruitment of Titanic Beast armiesPlanetcrisis.50Rise of the SentinelsDoesn't require the crisis but will add its sound effectsNonecrisis.71Sentinel Fleet DonationDoesn't require the crisis or the SentinelsNonecrisis.105Long live the Queen!Spawns the Domesticated Prethoryn QueenShipcrisis.2400Cybrex ReturnDoesn't require the crisisNonecrisis.4550Star-Eater FiringThe current system is destroyedPlanetfallen_empires_tasks.1A patronizing or machine Fallen Empire sends a random giftNonegalactic_features.301Fallen Empire mothballed fleetShipnomad.1The NomadsWill not spawn if a Sentry Array is completedNoneprecursor.98Vultraum Home System LocatedSpawns the Vultraum Home SystemNoneprecursor.598Yuht Home System LocatedSpawns the Yuht Home SystemNoneprecursor.1098First League Home System LocatedSpawns the First League Home SystemNoneprecursor.1598Irassian Home System LocatedSpawns the Irassian Home SystemNoneprecursor.2098Cybrex Home System LocatedSpawns the Cybrex Home SystemNonestory.107Amoebas PacifiedNonestory.207Crystals PacifiedNoneorigin.5605Teachers of the ShroudUnlocks the Shroud Beacon starbase buildingNoneleviathans.322Patrons with BenefitsOption to buy the Ministry of Culture buildingNoneleviathans.1040The Infinity EquationRewards for defeating the Infinity Sphere, with The Machine Age it unlocks the Infinity Sphere traitNoneleviathans.2101Enigmatic Fortress DisabledWith The Machine Age it unlocks the Enigmatic Fortress traitNoneleviathans.3102Dreadnought DisabledRewards for defeating the Automated Dreadnought, with The Machine Age it unlocks the Ancient Dreadnought traitNoneleviathans.3103Dreadnought RepairedShiputopia.3000Enter the ShroudWorks even if still on cooldownNoneutopia.3021Avatar (army)Noneutopia.3190The Chosen OneNoneutopia.3304Whisperers in the VoidOption to form a covenantNoneutopia.3305Composer of StrandsOption to form a covenantNoneutopia.3306Eater of WorldsOption to form a covenantNoneutopia.3307Instrument of DesireOption to form a covenantNonesyndaw.545A QuestionStarts the AI-Related Incidents situationPlanetsyndaw.1000Machine UprisingRequires the AI-Related Incidents situation and at least 1 robot popSituationmarauder.85Mercenaries Become AvailableMust be triggered multiple times for each Marauder empireNonedistar.137The Scavenger's EndRewards for defeating the Scavenger Bot, with The Machine Age it unlocks the Scavenger Bot traitNonedistar.172Neural SymbiosisOption to get the Brain Slug Host trait for some pops and leadersShipdistar.212Death of the MatriarchRewards for defeating the Tiyanki Matriarch, with Leviathan Transgenesis it unlocks the Polymelic traitShipdistar.260Wild EukaryotesCreates a pre-sapient species with the Docile Livestock trait on the worldPlanetdistar.1001Paradise LostCreates a nearby system with a Gaia World and a Stone Age primitive civilizationNonedistar.1081AziziansOption to enable the recruitment of Azizian armies on a random owned worldNonedistar.2050Alien EntitySpawns the Enigmatic Cache in the galaxyNonedistar.3014The Nivlac (unfriendly)Creates an empire with a permanent -100 opinion modifierNonedistar.3016The Nivlac (friendly)Creates an empire with a permanent +100 opinion modifierNonedistar.3055Alien Box OpenedGain one of three free traitsNonedistar.5006The VoidspawnThe selected celestial body is turned into a cracked world from where a Voidspawn hatchesPlanetdistar.5012Gargantuan EvolutionRewards for defeating the Voidspawn, with Leviathan Transgenesis it unlocks the Voidling traitShipgraygoo.400A Quiet StrollEncounter GrayShipancrel.4000Whispers in the StoneCreates the Whispers in the Stone archaeology sitePlanetancrel.4058The SentinelsOption to gain Sentinels armiesPlanetancrel.6130Zarqulan's ChosenAllows colonizing Holy Worlds and gives +150 permanent opinion from Holy GuardiansNoneancrel.10050Secrets of the YuhtUnlocks the Initiate Yuht Cleansing Process decisionNoneaquatics.120The Time Has ComeOption to unlock the Dragon Hatchery starbase buildingNoneparagon.241The Last BudUnlocks the Contained Ecosphere buildingNoneparagon.3001ArrivalRequired for the following event to workNoneparagon.3005Skrand Sharpbeak RecruitmentRequires the previous event to workNonecyber.1505Society 2.0Unlocks cybernetic authoritiesNonesynth.1505Synthesized SocietyUnlocks synthetic authoritiesNone
IDMajor eventNotesRequired selectiongalcom.16The Birth of the Galactic CommunityOption to instantly create or join the Galactic CommunityNoneaction.99Galactic Market: EstablishedForms the Galactic Market in the capital systemNonecrisis.199Prethoryn ScourgeSpawns the crisisNonecrisis.1000The UnbiddenSpawns the crisisNonecrisis.1100The AberrantDoesn't require the UnbiddenNonecrisis.1200The VehementRequires the UnbiddenNonecrisis.2000The ContingencySpawns the crisisNonecrisis.7516Consogenesis EndingEmpire becomes a fallen empire and player is forced to switch empiresNonecrisis.8005The Synthetic QueenSpawns the crisisNonefallen_empires_awakening.1Sleepers AwakeMust select a Fallen Empire with the play command beforehand or YOU will awakenNonegalactic_features.401Space Storm Hits GalaxyNonegalactic_features.403Space Storm DissipatesNoneutopia.3308End of the CycleOption to form a covenantNoneutopia.3320The ReckoningRequires accepting the covenant in the previous event to work properlyNonefallen_machine_empire.1Ancient Caretakers AwakenMust select the Ancient Caretakers with the play command beforehand or YOU will awakenNonemarauder.500The Drums of WarMust select a Marauder Empire with the play command beforehand or YOU will become the HordeNonedistar.232Junk RatlingsCreates the Ketling species if the Junk Ratling systems existNonedistar.236Junk RatlingsCreates the Ketling Star Pack empire if the Ketling species existsNonedistar.11000Spawn L-ClusterSpawns a sealed L-CluserNonedistar.13000The L-Cluster (L-Drake)Doesn't require the L-Cluster but will open every L-Gate as wellNonegraygoo.1The L-Cluster (Gray Tempest)Requires the L-Cluster to workNonegraygoo.100The L-Cluster (Dessanu Consonance)Requires the L-Cluster to workNone
IDEdictRequired selectionanomaly.4051Improved Working EnvironmentShipanomaly.4081Extensive Sensor SearchesShipanomaly.4105Improved Energy InitiativeShipanomaly.4136Grants Master's Teachings: The Greater GoodNoneanomaly.4141Grants Master's Teachings: Philosophical MindsetNoneanomaly.4151Grants Master's Teachings: Diplomatic TrustNoneanomaly.4166Grants Master's Teachings: Warring StatesNone

Other paragons can be obtained with the paragons debug window.

IDParagonRequired selectiongalactic_features.303TuborekShipdistar.156S875.1 WarformShipdistar.245Caretaker AX7-bShipancrel.4036OracleNoneparagon.1The BeholderNoneparagon.228Astrocreator AzarynNoneparagon.3115Keides, Scion of VagrosNoneleviathans.123XuraCorp paragonNoneleviathans.124Riggan paragonNoneleviathans.125Muutagan paragonNoneleviathans.590Curator paragonNoneenclave.7100Shroud-Touched paragonNoneastral_planes.3100zadigalNonecrisis.21125Nameless ApostateNone

Testing commands are used for developer, beta tester or modder testing.

CommandDescriptionParametersExample3dstatsToggles 3D Stats (FPS and render time)None3dstatsachievement_statusPrint achievement statusNoneachievement_statusactivate_relicActivates the triumph effect of [Relic ID][Pop ID] [Ethic Key]activate_relic r_unbidden_warlockadd_ethic_popAdd ethic to a pop[Pop ID] [Ethic Key]add_ethic_pop purged ethic_fanatic_authoritarianadvanced_galaxySimulates a game in year 2400 (every default empire gains colonies, technologies and fleets)noneadvanced_galaxyai_anomaliesToggles whether human empires get ai-only anomaliesNoneai_anomaliesalienfxAttempt to change computer lights with Alien FXNonealienfxambient_objectSpawns an ambient object of the specified type.[type]ambient_object turbulent_nebula_2attackallfleetsMakes all player fleets target all other fleetsNoneattackallfleetsaudio.playeffectPlay the sound effect with the given nameNoneTODOaudio.setactivegroupSets the active audio groupNoneTODOaudio.testeffectweightsTest the random distribution of the weighs for a sound effectNoneTODOberserk_aiAI aggression set to 10Noneberserk_aiblend_post_effectBlends to a new post effect setting[nSetting] [vTime] [nMode]TODObordersCalculates map bordersNoneborderscasusbelliAdd a Casus Belli against the given target empire[casus belli key] [country id]casusbelli cb_subjugation 2check_saveCheck save and load persistenceNonecheck_saveclear_debug_linesClears any persistent debug linesNoneclear_debug_linesclear_debug_stringsClears any persistent debug stringsNoneclear_debug_stringsclearflagClears an event flag on a specific target[type] [flag] [target id]clearflag global prethoryn_invasion_happenedcollisionDisplays collision boxes and circlesNonecollisioncommunicationsEnable/disable communication with the target empire, leave with no arguments for all[target country id]communications 1contacts_summaryHides who holds casus belli on the contacts screenNonecontacts_summarycontrolUsed to occupy planets. If there is no war with the owner of [planet id] control will be reverted instantly.[planet id]control 50copy_popCopies a pop to the selected planet using the id of a single pop.[pop id]copy_pop 1247crashCrash the gameNonecrashdebug_achievementsEnables popups for achievements to debug themNonedebug_achievementsdebug_achievements_clearClear all achievements and user statsNonedebug_achievements_cleardebug_dumpeventsPrints fired eventsNonedebug_dumpeventsdebug_statsShows game performance statsNonedebug_statsdebug_traits_viewOpens the traits listNonedebug_traits_viewdebuglinesToggles debug lines on/offNonedebuglinesdebugtextureDebug drawer for textures[texture name] [transparency] [alpha channel]debugtexture name 0,5 alphadebugtooltipReveals debug info in tooltips such as pop ID for pops, and planet ID for planets.Nonetweakergui debugtooltip(pre 1.1) or debugtooltip(1.1)deltatScales Delta Time with given value[delta_t] [scale value]TODOdemocratic_electionStart a democratic ruler electionNonedemocratic_electiondepositsShows stats for depositsNonedepositsdiplo_3rd_partyDoes diplomacy between two players from 3rd party perspective.[diplo] [actor id] [recipient id]diplo_3rd_party action_offer_peace 1 4dump_ai_build_planPrints what the AI intends to construct nextNonedump_ai_build_plandump_originsPrints all origins in the galaxyNonedump_originseffectExecutes an effect script.Noneeffect crystal_hit_effecteffect set_planet_flag =Sets [flag id] on the selected planet[flag id]effect set_planet_flag = titanic_life_can_builderrorShow errors in logNoneerroreventscopesPrints the scope trees of current eventsNone<Event open> eventscopeseventstatsShow event statistics.Noneeventstatsfactions.showallfactionsPrints all factions and information on them.Nonefactions.showallfactionsfactions.showattractionPrints attraction levels for every faction.Nonefactions.showattractionfactions.spawnallSpawns all possible factions. They will disappear immediately if 10 years haven't passed.Nonefactions.spawnallfast_forwardFast forward a set amount of days[amount of days] [observer]fast_forward 100filewatcherToggles filewatcherNonefilewatcherftlEnable/Disable unlimited FTL, obsoleteNoneftlfullscreenToggles fullscreenNonefullscreengame_overExecutes the specified type of Game Over[victory type index]game_over 0game_pausedPauses or resumes the gameNonegame_pausedgame_speedSets the specified game speed[speed]game_speed 2gfxcultureSets graphical culture for player empire, pressing tab reveals the culture keys[culture key]gfxculture mammalian_01gotoMoves camera to position[x] [y]goto 10 10guiboundsDisplays the file location of UI elements hovered overNoneguiboundshdrToggles HDRNonehdrhelpPrints the help documentation for a command.[command name]help human_aihelphelpNo help for you!NonehelphelphsvConverts RGB to HSVNonehsv 25 25 25human_aiToggles AI for Human countriesNonehuman_aihuman_anomalies_for_aiAllows the AI to get regular anomaliesNonehuman_anomalies_for_aiinfoDisplays rendering infoNoneinfokill_countryKills the current empire.Nonekill_countrykill_leaderKills specified leader.[leader id]kill_leader?kill_rulerKills current ruler.NoneKills current ruler.kill_popKills [Pop ID] pop[Pop ID]kill_pop 745lockcameraLocks the camera to the current position.[debug_lockcamera, lockcamera]lockcameramap_namesRegenerates map names.Nonemap_namesmature_galaxySimulates a 100 years old galaxy.Nonemature_galaxymemtestUsed to test for memory leakage with certain functions.[iterations]memtest 1messageShows every message type on the top bar.NonemessagenoguiToggles GUI on/offNonenoguinomouseToggles mouse scrollwheel on\offNonenomouseone_yearRun the game for one year then logs how long it tookNoneone_yearovernightSets the game up for an overnight session.[ticks per turn]overnight 2particleToggles particle debug info.Noneparticle crystal_hit_effectparticle.miplevelsTODONoneTODOparticle.useringbufferTODONoneTODOparticle.wireframeTODONoneTODOparticle_editorSpawns a particle editor.Noneparticle_editorpathFinds path between stars.[from index] [to index]path 0 1peace_on_playerTargeted country offers peace on player.[country id]peace_on_player 05planetsLists every type of planet and the amount of each.NoneplanetsplayersLists every human player in the current game.NoneplayerspopulateFills all housing on selected planet with pops
WARNING: Will hang the game as of version 3.2NonepopulateppGives the player minerals[amount]pp 1000productionDumps some debug info about productionNoneproductionrebuild_sectorsRebuilds sector boundariesNonerebuild_sectorsrecalc_fleet_presenceRecalculates fleet presence cache, useful if loading old saves.Nonerecalc_fleet_presenceregenerate_border_colorsRegenerates border colors for empires with the same primary colorNoneregenerate_border_colorsreloadReloads assets[file name]reload main.guireload_galaxyStarts a new gameNonereload_galaxyreload_graphical_mapReloads the graphical mapNonereload_graphical_mapreloadfxReloads the shader[arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename]reloadfx arrowremove_ethic_popRemoves an ethic from a target pop.[pop id] [ethic key]remove_ethic_pop? ethic_xenophoberemove_notificationRemoves all notifications belonging to the player[amount]remove_notification 1rendertypePrints the current rendering type.NonerendertyperesourcesShow stats for resourcesNoneresourcesreverse_diploSends a diplomatic command from the target to the player.[diplo] [id]reverse_diplo action_invite_to_federation 01runRuns the specified file with list of commands. File should be placed in the root Stellaris folder in your My Documents. File must be called '[insert file name here]' without the brackets. The file should be in the INI extension.Nonerun group_commands.iniscalingEnables/disable scaling of models.Nonescalingscript_profilerUse once to start profiling, and again to finish and print the results. So you can find out why your mod is causing performance issues.Nonescript_profilersmoothToggle framesmoothingNonesmoothspawnentitySpawns specified entity at cursor position. The entity names are found in the gfx folder in the .asset files.[entity name]spawnentity test_object_entitysrgbToggles RBG color modeNonesrgbsurrenderSurrender and gives in to all demands. Using only [country id] parameter lists wars with their appropriate war_ids for given country.[country id] [war id]List all wars for country with country_id = 5 along with their war_ids: surrender 5.
Force country with country_id = 5 to surrender in war with war_id = 19975: surrender 5 19975.switchlanguageReload localization files and switches languageNoneswitchlanguage l_englishtechweightsPrints weights for the tech tree of the player[tech area]techweights phytest_achievementUsed to test an achievement trigger[achievement]test_achievement achievement_colonizethirty_yearsRun the game for 30 years then logs how long it took
Note: Currently does not workNonethirty_yearsthreading.taskthreadcountReturns the number of CPU threads usedNonethreading.taskthreadcountticks_per_turnControls the number of ticks per turn[amount of ticks]ticks_per_turn 10timeReturns the local system timeNonetimetriggerTests a trigger script (*.txt) when placed in the \\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\ folder[trigger script]trigger test_triggertrigger_docsPrints docs for triggers and effectsNonetrigger_docstrigger_fileTests the trigger script, and crashes the gameNonetrigger_fileversionCopies game version to clipboardNoneversionvolumeModifies music volume[volume delta]volume 20warThe first country declares war on the second with the given wargoal
ID list
Make Tributarywg_tribute
Impose Ideologywg_force_ideology
Humiliate (Fallen Empires)wg_fe_humiliation
Stop Atrocities (Fallen Empires)wg_fe_stop_atrocities
Cleanse Holy Worlds (Fallen Empires)wg_fe_cleanse_holy_worlds
Decontaminate Border Territories (Fallen Empires)wg_fe_cleanse_border_worlds
Outlaw AI (Fallen Empires)wg_fe_stop_ai
End Threatwg_end_threat
War in Heavenwg_war_in_heaven
Machine Uprisingwg_machine_uprising
Assert Overlordshipwg_assert_overlordship
Total Warwg_colossus
Stop Colossuswg_end_threat_colossus
[attacker country id] [defender country id] [war goal]war 2 4 wg_independencewarexhaustionAdds the given war exhaustion for all of an empire's active wars[amount]warexhaustion 75windowOpens an GUI window element[arguments open/close] [window gui name]window open advisor_windowwireframeToggles forced wireframe on/offNonewireframe
CommandDescriptionParametersExamplealerts.showallToggles displaying all UI alertsNonetweakergui alerts.showalldraw.asteroidsToggles rendering of asteroid belts.Nonetweakergui draw.asteroidsdraw.backgroundToggles rendering of the background space texture.Nonetweakergui draw.backgrounddraw.bordersToggles rendering of border colors and empire icons.Nonetweakergui draw.bordersdraw.centerToggles rendering of the galaxy center glow.Nonetweakergui draw.centerdraw.clustersToggles rendering of white circles in the galaxy map. Empires seems to be distributed evenly across clusters.Nonetweakergui draw.clustersdraw.combatdebuglinesToggles rendering of lines during combat showing which target a ship is focusing on. A line also shows where the ship was located before combat.Nonetweakergui draw.combatdebuglinesdraw.dustToggles rendering of the galaxy dust.Nonetweakergui draw.dustdraw.greenscreenToggles rendering a green screen behind the background. Turning of the background (draw.background) will give you a totally greenscreened game that you can use for video purposes. You should also use line draw.navigationarrows and draw.systemlines.Nonetweakergui draw.greenscreendraw.hyperlanesToggles rendering of hyperlanes.Nonetweakergui draw.hyperlanesdraw.namesToggles rendering of empire and nebula names on the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.namesdraw.navigationarrowsToggles rendering of the arrows and names towards neighbors of a system. (Crashed the game during first test, but might have been coincidence)Nonetweakergui draw.navigationarrowsdraw.nebulaToggles rendering of nebulas on the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.nebuladraw.neighborsToggles rendering of cyan and yellow lines in the starmap. Cyan lines are drawn from a system to its neighbouring systems. Yellow lines divides the map into cells with each cell beloning to a single system.Nonetweakergui draw.neighborsdraw.objectsToggles rendering of stars, ships, stations, planets and arrows towards neighboring systems.Nonetweakergui draw.objectsdraw.pathtosystemDisplays a slider with default value -1. When a ship is selected a path will be rendered from the ship's system towards the system corresponding to the ID in the slider. An ETA is displayed for every jump made. ETA says "X Days", but seems to be 10x the amount of ingame days needed. (Possibly game ticks)Nonetweakergui draw.pathtosystemdraw.sensorToggles the green dashed circle (i.e. sensor range) around ships and owned systems.Nonetweakergui draw.sensordraw.shipintersection?Nonetweakergui draw.shipintersectiondraw.starsToggles rendering of stars and black holes on the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.starsdraw.systeminitToggles rendering of the systems initialization template. I.e. a system starts with hostiles, made to suit as colony for nearby empire etc.Nonetweakergui draw.systeminitdraw.systemlinesToggles rendering of systems planetary orbits, warp bounds and outer bounds.Nonetweakergui draw.systemlinesdraw.tigridToggles rendering of yellow grid in galaxy map. Use unknown.Nonetweakergui draw.tigriddraw.trailsToggles rendering of ships engine trails.Nonetweakergui draw.trailsdraw.weaponlocatorsDraws weapon locators.Nonetweakergui draw.weaponlocatorsenable.aiEnables AI.Nonetweakergui enable.aienable.assertsEnables asserts.Nonetweakergui enable.assertsenable.framesmoothingEnables frame smoothing.Nonetweakergui enable.framesmoothingendscreenDisplays the endscreen.Nonetweakergui endscreenentity.namesDisplays entity names.Nonetweakergui entity.namesentity.recursiveboundingvolumesDisplays recursive bounding volumes.Nonetweakergui entity.recursiveboundingvolumesgui.wireframeDisplays the wireframe of the GUI.Nonetweakergui gui.wireframeignore_truceWars can be declared during trucesToggle on and off.tweakergui ignore_truceinstant_anomaly_researchAnomalies are researched instantlyToggle on and off.tweakergui instant_anomaly_researchinstant_colonyColony ships will no longer take time to settle.Toggle on and off.tweakergui instant_colonyinstant_moveShips will teleport instantly to right click cursor.Toggle on and off.tweakergui instant_moveinstant_surveyPlanets are surveyed instantlyToggle on and off.tweakergui instant_surveymaxfpsLimits the maximum FPS. Defaults to no limit (0).Nonetweakergui maxfpsmesh.miplevels?Nonetweakergui mesh.miplevelsmesh.namesDisplays the names of the .mesh file used for each model.tweakergui mesh.namesmesh.texturenamesDisplays the folder/filename of textures used for each model.Nonetweakergui mesh.texturenamesmesh.wireframeToggles the wireframe for models.Nonetweakergui mesh.wireframemissilegfx.extratimepertick?Nonetweakergui missilegfx.extratimepertickmissilegfx.slowdownradius?Nonetweakergui missilegfx.slowdownradiusmusic.fade?Nonetweakergui music.nextno_resources?Nonetweakergui no_resourcesnormalsDisplays normalisation points on each mode.Nonetweakergui normalspathfindcache?Nonetweakergui pathfindcachepop_happinessForces pop happiness to specific level.Nonetweakergui pop_happinesspopfactionlogs?Nonetweakergui popfactionlogsportraits?Nonetweakergui portraitsportraits.poplevel?Nonetweakergui portraits.poplevelterraincognitaUsed to reveal all uncharted space.Nonetweakergui terraincognita

The color of the galactic imperium can be changed mid-game while playing as the galactic emperor by copying the following command combination into the console and replacing the color name:effect = {change_country_flag = {icon = {category = "special"file = ""}background= {category = "backgrounds"file = ""}colors={"red""red""null""null"}}}

The word red can be replaced by any color name to give a different color, such as dark_blue

Console commands - Stellaris Wiki (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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