Home (2024)

James Tebrake

(Statistics Canada)

Patrick O’Hagan

(Statistics Canada)

Non-financial corporations are responsible for a large share of the economic activity in most advanced economies. They producegoods and services, they invest, and they employ a large share of a country’s labour force. Their importance in the “real”economy is evident in nearly every economic activity. This chapter focuses on non-financial corporations’ interactions withinthe financial system, both as borrowers and as lenders. Their investments of available funds across instruments may provideimportant insights into their investment strategies and their propensity towards risk. Conversely, different sources of fundingfor non-financial corporations shed light on their key choices, such as the choice of debt or equity or the mix of long versusshort-term debt. This chapter further provides insights on non-financial corporations’ balance sheets, and on the indicatorsthat can be derived from them. It also addresses key conceptual and operational issues, such as the differences between theSystem of National Accounts (SNA) and corporate or business accounting.

1. The role of non-financial corporations in the economy and in financial markets

Before we can explore the role of non-financial corporations in the economy and the financial markets, we first need to understandwhat and who they are. Like most accounting terminology, the generic name “non-financial corporations” does not always encompassthe full scope of the subject. Non-financial corporations are incorporated legal entities that largely produce goods and servicesfor the market. The “non-financial” label means that they principally engage in the production of non-financial goods andservices, as opposed to financial services. Non-financial corporations therefore encompass many industrial classifications.The “corporations” tag means that these entities come into being by law via incorporation, in many cases authorised by thegovernment. This gives them their own legal status separate from their owners, which limits the liability of the owners ina number of circ*mstances (e.g. business failure). Their “incorporated” status is also what differentiates these businessesfrom the unincorporated enterprises and sole proprietorships that are generally part of the household sector discussed inChapter4.

Non-financial corporations do not only consist of the large companies and conglomerate firms listed on the stock markets,but may also include smaller unlisted firms with limited liability. This institutional sector includes the enterprises thatproduce the cars we drive, the televisions we watch, the food we eat and various forms of media that inform and entertainus. They are the enterprises that provide many of us with a pay cheque, and they account for most of the companies in whichwe invest in order to get our piece of the corporate pie.

Statisticians organise enterprises into sectors based on the predominance of their operations. As said, the commonality ofcompanies in the non-financial corporations sector is that they are separate legal entities and they produce non-financialgoods and services. Beyond that the companies can be quite different. The non-financial corporations’ sector includes, forexample, incorporated energy and resource firms, agriculture, forestry and fishing businesses, manufacturers, companies engagedin distribution of products (wholesalers and retailers), entities engaged in construction and real estate, transportationservices, and other non-financial business services (professional, scientific and technical services), as well as informationand cultural services.

The three most significant roles of non-financial corporations are as producers of goods and services, as investors in non-financialassets (which leads to the future production of goods and services), and as borrowers in financial markets. The last roleimplies that they are investment vehicles for the other sectors of the economy such as households and financial corporations.With respect to the latter, it can be added that, in some economies, non-financial corporations have become significant netlenders to other sectors, as their financial position is such that their saving exceeds their need for investments in non-financialassets.

Non-financial corporations’ role as producers of goods and services

The sum of non-financial corporations’ production is referred to as their output. It is what results from the production ofgoods and services by combining labour, capital, and intermediate goods and services. Non-financial corporations are the sourceof much of the world’s output and employment. In most countries, non-financial corporations account for over 60% of totaloutput, as can be seen from Table5.1. This share is fairly consistent from one country to the next. The average share for the OECD countries in the table is almost70%.

Table 5.1. Non-financial corporations’ output to total output, 2014

Non-financial corporations output

Total output

Ratio of non-financial corporations output to total output

Millions of national currency

Millions of national currency



428 075

609 432


Czech Republic

7 886 477

10 210 030



2 592 205

3 778 796



3 758 273

5 319 338



131 812

282 457



49 988 222

66 034 608



1 156 763

1 780 896



2 049 900

3 063 936



895 980

1 257 943



3 832 918

5 233 258



1 367 576

1 926 076



5 132 374

6 965 695


OECD Average


Source: OECD(2017),“Detailed National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-financial accounts by sectors, annual”,OECD National Accounts Statistics(database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00034-en.


Non-financial corporations’ role in investment

Investment plays a key role in any economy, ensuring that capital used in the production process to meet the demand for goodsand services is in place. In order for non-financial corporations to remain viable, they need to invest in productive assets.Therefore, investment, or gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) as it is called in national accounts terminology, is crucialto non-financial corporations’ current and future production. In many economies, non-financial corporations account for theoverwhelming share of such investment in non-financial assets. Table5.2 shows the share of investment of non-financial corporations to total investment for selected OECD countries.

Table 5.2. Non-financial corporations’ gross fixed capital formation to total gross fixed capital formation, 2014

Non-financial corporations GFCF

Total GFCF

Ratio of non-financial corporations' GFCF to total GFCF

Millions of national currency

Millions of national currency



44 854

73 629



56 983

93 326


Czech Republic

697 371

1 065 464



198 833

370 688



3 183

5 033



21 317

42 197



4 184 486

6 971 261



25 378

36 515



131 973

267 474



67 731 100

107 128 200



66 033

120 442



408 813

733 987



16 082

25 772


Slovak Republic

9 438

15 766



3 884

7 324


United Kingdom

156 717

305 712


United States

1 644 600

3 378 700


OECD Average


Source: OECD(2017),“Detailed National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-financial accounts by sectors, annual”,OECD National Accounts Statistics(database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00034-en.


Non-financial corporations’ role as an investment vehicle: net borrowing and net lending

Non-financial investment, that is, investments in assets like buildings, machinery and equipment, and software, are the linkbetween the non-financial corporations’ “real” accounts (or real activity) and financial accounts (or financial activity).If non-financial corporations are able to generate saving in excess of their non-financial investment needs in a given accountingperiod, they are known as net lenders or net financial investors. If non-financial corporations are unable to generate savingthat match their investment needs in a given accounting period, they are net (financial) borrowers. The relevant balancingitem is the net lending/net borrowing position, and is recorded in the capital account. Non-financial investments can be financedin one of two ways, through the use of internal funds (current or retained earnings), or by borrowing funds from other sectorsof the economy.

In the event that non-financial corporations require external funds, other sectors must be willing to provide them with funds. This highlights the third important role non-financial corporations play in the economy – an investment vehicle for investors from other sectors. Non-financial corporations offer investors a stake in their earnings (in the form of dividends on equity held) or interest payments on debt. The end result is that claims on non-financial corporations can be found on the balance sheets of other sectors in the economy, such as households, financial corporations and non-residents. The reverse is also true: in the event that non-financial corporations have excess funds they become financial investors and supply these funds to other institutional sectors. In recent years, the latter has been the situation in Canada, the US, and some other countries as well. See also Box5.1.

Box 5.1. Non-financial corporations’ net lending and investment trends in Canada

In Canada, as well as in some other OECD countries, the non-financial corporations’ sector moved from a net borrowing position to a net lending position around the turn of the 21st century. This structural change fundamentally altered the balance sheets of non-financial corporations, and is an excellent example of the link between the “real” accounts of non‐financial corporations and their corresponding financial accounts.

In Canada, corporations began generating large net lending positions since 2000. Corporate earnings have been on a strong upward trend since about 1997 (except for a few interruptions – the high-tech bust in 2001, and the financial crisis in 2008-09). This earnings growth was led by consumer demand and, in many industries, foreign demand (see Figure5.1).

Clearly, earnings growth has had a major impact on the financial position of non-financial corporations. However, a secondsignificant factor has been lower capital expenditure relative to net operating surplus over the last 17 years (see Figure5.2).

The above developments suggest a number of things. First, Canadian non-financial corporations have benefitted from generally high commodity prices over the period under consideration – creating a growing gap between the supply of internal funds and the funds required for investment. This has led to a modification in corporate investment behaviour – a shift towards financial investment as a growing use of funds. Notable acquisitions of financial instruments have included both portfolio and inter-company investment. Some of the latter has been directed outside of the country via foreign direct investment, suggesting the increased influence of global production among Canadian multinational enterprises.

Figure 5.1. Net lending/net borrowing and net operating surplus of non-financial corporations, Canada

Millions of CAD

Home (1)

Source: Statistics Canada (2016), Table 380-0076 – Current and capital accounts – Corporations, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&id=3800076.


Figure 5.2. Net operating surplus and non-financial investments of non-financial corporations, Canada

Millions of CAD

Home (2)

Source: Statistics Canada (2016), Table 380-0076 – Current and capital accounts – Corporations, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&id=3800076.


Major flows of financial investment have been directed to liquid assets and other portfolio investments since 2000. In particular, currency and bank deposits (domestic and foreign) and various other types of portfolio investments have trended upward since the late 1990s. This development has substantially improved the liquidity position of non‐financial corporations. In policy circles, these investments in liquid assets have often been referred to as “dead money” of the non-financial corporations’ sector, or funds that could be used for capital expenditure.

Not surprisingly, similar patterns for non-financial corporations have been observed in a number of countries. In the US, this development has been sometimes referred to as the “financialisation” of non-financial corporations – a rise in investment in financial assets along with a decline in accumulation of tangible non-financial assets (see, for example, Davis (2013) and Fano and Trovato [2013]).

The associated issue of “dead money” will be explored in more detail below.

The financial behaviour of non-financial corporations

Thus far it has been established that the national accounts record the role of non-financial corporations as producers ofgoods and services, investors and net lenders/net borrowers. If the national accounts stopped here, users of macroeconomicstatistics would be left with a cliff-hanger, as important questions remain unanswered:

  • Where do firms obtain their funds if they need to borrow?

  • Where do firms invest their excess funds?

  • What tools (or instruments) do firms use to raise funds?

  • How do firms raise funds over economic cycles?

These questions are answered by examining the financial accounts and balance sheets of non-financial corporations.

2. Sources and uses of funds for non-financial corporations

A key function of the non-financial corporations’ sector financial accounts and balance sheets is to record their financialactivity and financial positions. That is, financial accounts and balance sheets show how firms finance investment activities,in particular when their demand for funds exceeds their internally generated source of funds; and in which financial instrumentsthey invest, in particular when their source of internally generated funds is greater than their demand for non-financialinvestments in the current period.

Put simply, suppose a firm needs USD 1 million to purchase a machine but it has had a bad year for earnings and is just scraping by. The financial accounts and balance sheets record the sources of funds, that is, the firm’s borrowing of financial funds, disaggregated by instrument, and who is lending the firm the money needed to purchase the machine. Conversely, suppose the firm had a very successful year and generated a surplus of USD2million – the accounts record how it is using the extra USD 1 million in cash (the difference between the USD 2 million surplus and the USD 1 million cost of the machine).

A second key function of the non-financial corporations’ financial accounts and balance sheets is to provide insight intothe sector’s financial management strategy, perceptions of risk and longer term economic outlook. One way to explore bothof these functions is to look at the financial accounts from two perspectives: the use of funds and the source of funds.

Investment results from the saving of the non-financial corporations’ sector. The latter is the balancing item of the currentaccount (i.e. in 2008 SNA terminology, the combination of the production account and the generation, distribution and useof income accounts). The current account’s balance of incomes and expenditures is carried down to the capital account. Whennon-financial corporations primarily use saving (and other sources of funds) to invest in non-financial assets, they are signallingto the rest of the economy that they believe demand for their goods and services will be sustained, or will increase. Theyare also implicitly indicating that they expect the return on investment in non-financial assets to be greater than the returnthey could earn on financial assets. When non-financial corporations primarily use their saving to invest in financial assets(or reduce liabilities), they are in turn signalling to the rest of the economy that they want to strengthen their net financialposition, usually in light of projected lower demand for products. The relationship between saving, non-financial investmentand financial transactions can vary considerably, even over short periods of time and is an important indicator of economiccycles and growth.

Disregarding net receipts of capital transfers (which are relatively minor in the countries under consideration), Table5.3 summarises the sources and uses of funds for non-financial corporations in recent years in Canada and the US. A few interesting observations can be gleaned from this table, which compares two closely related economies. First, the components of the sources of funds – both saving and the incurrence of liabilities – tend to be more volatile than those of the uses of funds. Second, the longer-term trend of non-financial corporations towards increased saving has been interrupted in recent years in both countries, most notably in Canada. Third, external sources of funds have picked up over the last three years in both countries, but the uses of funds have not always moved in tandem. This suggests that the economic behaviour of non-financial corporations does not always follow the same pattern. Below is a closer examination of the uses and sources of funds for non-financial corporations.

Table 5.3. Sources and uses of funds, Canada and the U.S.

Billions of national currency






Capital Account sources: Internal sources of funds (gross saving)





Of which: Net saving





Capital Account uses: Non-financial investments





Financial Account uses: Financial investments





Financial Account sources: Incurrence of liabilities





United States

Capital Account sources: Internal sources of funds (gross saving)

1 873.2

1 919.8

1 882.8

1 849.9

Of which: Net saving





Capital Account uses: Non-financial investments

1 628.0

1 219.0

1 899.4

1 790.6

Financial Account uses: Financial investments



1 451.7

1 204.8

Financial Account sources: Incurrence of liabilities


1 382.1

1 317.9

1 084.2

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&& pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=, U.S. Federal Reserve (2017). Financial Accounts of the United States (database), www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/FOFTables.aspx.


Uses of funds by non-financial corporations

The acquisition of non-financial assets

As noted above, one of the key uses of funds by non-financial corporations is investment in non-financial assets. In general,non-financial corporations hold a significant amount of an economic territory’s non-financial assets such as non-residentialbuildings and structures, machinery and equipment. Today, investment by non-financial corporations is no longer just aboutmachines and buildings, but also about designs, formulas and software code. Intangible assets, or intellectual property products(IPPs), are becoming increasingly important. Table5.4 shows the amount of non-financial assets held by the non-financial corporations sector for selected OECD countries comparedto the national total of non-financial assets.2 In many countries the non-financial corporations sector holds a significant portion of the countries’ non-financial wealth.Other important categories of non-financial assets are dwellings owned by households, and infrastructure developed by government.

While it is important to measure aggregate investment in non-financial investments, it is equally important to provide detailsabout the type of investments. This detail is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it provides insight into the evolvingproduction process in the domestic economy. It can also shed light on the composition and industrial-geographical distributionof investment changes over time. In many economies, such changes have been significant over different periods.

Table 5.4. Non-financial assets held by non-financial corporations, 2014

Total non-financial assets

Non-financial assets held by non-financial corporations


Millions of national currency

Millions of national currency



11 417 000

2 783 000


Czech Republic

29 414 466

10 121 474



13 406 730

4 135 747



2 741 832 900

1 021 332 000


United Kingdom

8 517 621

2 097 113


Source: OECD(2017),“Detailed National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Balance sheets for non-financial assets”,OECD National Accounts Statistics (database).


Secondly, this detail allows aggregate analysis of the duration of fixed assets and the corresponding term structure of theliabilities that may have been incurred to finance the investment. This is essential in terms of the analysis of financialstability. For example, there have been times when non-financial corporations have relied relatively more on either short-termor long-term debt to finance long-term non-financial investment and were seemingly unprepared for unexpected but sustainedinterest rate developments or abrupt changes in the cost of borrowing.

Thirdly, this detail can shed some light on the sources of funds available to the sector. For example, in some industriesand over some periods, investors may be more willing to invest in non-residential structures or machinery and equipment thanthey would be to invest in intangible assets. In some cases investors may be interested in a stake in the firm’s equity ifthe funds are being used to finance research and development, whereas they prefer debt instruments if the investment is beingused to finance the purchase of assets such as buildings and machines.

It is therefore important that the capital and financial accounts and balance sheets of the non-financial corporations sectorprovide information on the type of non-financial asset investments, and are ideally complemented by a detailed investmentaccount that provides additional industrial, asset and geographic detail.

Financial uses of funds

A second and increasingly important use of funds for non-financial corporations is in the form of financial investments. Thisis primarily investment in financial assets but it can also relate to liability transactions, such as paying down debt orthe buy-back of own shares.

The financial accounts and balance sheets provide a picture of the non-financial corporations’ evolving portfolio of financialinvestments, measuring transactions in financial assets and liabilities by type of instrument. For example, the very differentinvestment patterns over time in the Canadian non-financial corporations’ sector are evident from analysing the financialaccounts; this is summarised in Table5.5, with a period of recession in the fourth quarter of 2008 up to the second quarter of 2009.

Table 5.5. Selected financial asset transactions, Canadian non-financial corporations

Billions of CAD
















Total financial assets
















Currency and deposits
















Short-term paper
















Bonds and debentures















Inter-corporate loans
















Corporate equity
















Trade accounts receivable
















Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode= dataTable&csid=.


In 2008, the sector invested heavily in corporate equity, including inter-company investment. This reflected the surging marketsthat lasted up to the outset of the global financial crisis. In 2009, investment in equity and investment fund shares decelerated,while investment in currency and deposits increased. In 2013, investment in currency and deposits was again significant, andinvestment in equity and investment fund shares continued to decline. Clearly, non-financial corporations manage their financialasset portfolio in concert with changes in economic and financial conditions.

More generally, the financial accounts and balance sheets record the financial investment preferences of non-financial corporations,in relation to current economic events, such as earnings, financial market fluctuations and business cycles. Disregardingthe settlement of liabilities, they specifically reveal non-financial corporations’ choices with respect to the type of financialassets they would like to hold. This is essential in understanding investment patterns and potential risks of non-financialcorporations, shedding light on issues such as preferences for short-term versus long-term investment and firms’ projectionsof future demand. Non-financial corporations will invest where the financial return is the highest. For example, if they feelthat investing in a machine or a building will bring a significant return to their owners, they will focus on the acquisitionof non-financial assets. Conversely, if their expectations about the demand for their goods and services are weak or declining,they may decide that they can earn a higher return (at least temporarily) by directing funds towards financial assets ratherthan non-financial assets.

In addition to providing insight into the sector’s expectations about future growth, the financial account investment flows and balance sheet holdings also provide insight into preferences with respect to the type of financial investments and associated risk. If, in a certain period, non-financial corporations invest heavily in very liquid assets, this provides an indication of their need to access funds in the near term, either due to internal reasons or as a reaction to financial market fluctuations. On the other hand, if non-financial corporations invest primarily in bonds, this provides an indication of their willingness to “tie up” their funds for a longer period of time and their expectations about financial markets. If this investment is focussed in central government securities, corporations are seeking a safe haven for investment, and this detail thus provides information about their current assessment and preferences with respect to risk in their sector, the domestic economy, and the global economy. Needless to say, the “what” non-financial corporations invest in provides a significant amount of information about their assessment of risk, their reactions to current economic events and their predictions of future economic conditions. In recent years, non-financial corporations in many countries have increased their investment flows and holdings in liquid assets. When funds are increasingly used to invest in such financial assets, this investment is often referred to as “dead money” – reflecting a perception by some analysts that such funds could be better put to use (see Box5.2).

In most economies, a notable feature of non-financial corporations is investment in associated corporations. This is accomplishedby transferring some of the funds that a non-financial corporation has available in one part of the enterprise group to anotherpart of the enterprise group, either through equity investments or loans and advances. These types of investments can be reflectedin the financial accounts (and balance sheets) as an additional breakdown in the equity and investment funds category, asis the case in Canada, where these are called “corporate claims”. This detail is important as intercompany investment transactionscan be indicative of fixed capital formation in the same industry, in upstream or downstream industries of the enterprisegroup, and of corporate re-structuring going on in the economy as well as in other economies through foreign direct investment.These flows can often signal times of consolidation through mergers and acquisitions, and expansion through investment instart-ups or affiliates.

Box 5.2. Dead money in Canada, the US and elsewhere

In recent years there have been concerns expressed about the large stockpile of liquid assets held by non-financial corporations,sometimes referred to as “dead money”. In 2012, the Governor of the Bank of Canada took note of the significant liquidityposition of Canadian corporations. He noted that while this reflected prudence on the part of the corporate sector after thefinancial crisis and recession, the liquidity position also represented funds that could be invested in non-financial assetsin order to spur current and future economic growth. More specifically, he noted that “the level of caution could be viewedas excessive ... their job is to put money to work”.

Similar questions were raised in the US around the same time. As early as 2005, the Governor of the Federal Reserve Boardnoted: “Although capital investment has been advancing at a reasonably good pace, it has nonetheless lagged the exceptionalrise in profits and internal cash flow”. In 2013, the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis emphasised that “US corporations areholding record-high amounts of cash”.

Figure 5.3. Liquid assets of Canadian non-financial corporations

Percentage of total financial assets

Home (3)

Source: OECD(2017),“Financial Balance Sheets, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-consolidated stocks, annual”, OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00720-en.


The IMF has recently demonstrated that this increased corporate saving and net lending was the case in a number of G7 andOECD countries (2015). This research into the liquidity of corporations suggested “... that the emergence of the corporatesaving glut may be more related to a perceived paucity of profitable (domestic) investment opportunities”.

While the inter-company financial investment flows can provide insight into trends over time, there are a number of importantquestions these data do not address. The first is with whom is this investment being made, and does it represent a verticalinvestment (supply chain) or a horizontal investment (concentration)? In order to address these questions, users often requestthat the non-financial corporations’ sector financial accounts and balance sheets be sub-sectored into more granular groups,and that these granular groups take the form of a traditional industry-based classification so that they are able to betterunderstand the vertical (within industry) and horizontal (outside of the industry) investment. However, such detail is generallymissing from most financial accounts and balance sheets. Furthermore, users are also increasingly interested in whether theinter-company investments are between residents and non-residents. Given the increasingly global nature of enterprises thereis a substantial amount of cross-border financial investment taking place, often related to supply chain management. Theseinternational flows are specifically captured in the financial accounts with the rest of the world, but also reflected (implicitly,at least) in the financial transactions of the non-financial corporations’ sector.

Another use of funds is tied to actively reducing debt loads. In 1981-82, with nominal interest rates at historical highsand in the midst of a six-quarter recession, non-financial corporations in many countries paid off significant portions ofboth short-term and long-term debt. The interest charges associated with their debt levels were becoming unmanageable and,therefore, firms found it more important to reduce their liabilities than to invest in financial assets or non-financial assets.This use of funds contributed significantly to a substantial restructuring of corporations’ financial positions, setting thestage for the economic recovery that followed.

Sources of funds for non-financial corporations

As noted earlier in this chapter, non-financial corporations are responsible for a large share of total output, non-financialinvestments and employment in most economies. As such, they need access to funds in order to finance new initiatives as wellas react to changing economic conditions. In developed economies, especially for large corporations, funds are accessed throughthe capital market (debt and equity), the money market and the business loans market. A key focus of the non-financial corporations’financial accounts and balance sheets is to present the sources of funds available to non-financial corporations. An analysisof these sources of funds reveals a great deal about the overall strategy of firms, as well as how they are reacting to currentfinancial market conditions.

The sources of funds available to non-financial corporations can be illustrated in a number of ways. They can be presentedin such a way as to distinguish between internally generated or externally raised funds. In the case of external funds, theaccounts reveal whether or not corporations chose to finance their funding needs through borrowing or through the issuanceof shares. With respect to debt, the accounts typically articulate whether corporations are issuing short-term or long-termdebt. They can also indicate whether the source of funds is domestic or foreign.

Internal sources of funds

As noted above, non-financial corporations exist to generate a return to their owners, whether immediately distributed ornot. In the national accounting world this return is measured by the corporate operating surplus. Part of the income generatedby a non-financial corporation is used to pay interest to lenders, and to pay corporate taxes. The remainder of the incomerepresents the economic return to the owners. It can be distributed to the owners, or it can be retained within the corporation.The non-distributed portion ends up in the non-financial corporation sector’s saving. This saving represents an internal sourceof funds directly available to a corporation to either invest in non-financial or financial assets, or to reduce debt. Non-financialcorporations can also sell assets, most often liquidating financial assets, as a second source of internal funds. However,since it is prudent to retain liquid assets and some financial assets are longer term investments (e.g. inter-company claims),it is common for non-financial corporations to generally raise funds externally.

External sources of funds

In many countries and in most time periods, the internally generated saving of the non-financial corporations’ sector arenot sufficient to meet non-financial corporations’ investment needs; or corporations may decide to divert some of the savinginto financial assets. In other words, non-financial corporations generally have a need to raise funds via equity or debton a regular basis. As such, non-financial corporations must turn to other sectors of the economy in order to secure theirrequired funds for a given accounting period. The ratio of the sources of internal funds (represented by corporate saving,again disregarding the impact of capital transfers), with the total demand for funds on financial markets for Germany andthe United States is presented in Figure5.4. It is clear that, in general, non-financial corporations require more funds than what is internally generated through saving.However, the difference between the two countries presented, Germany and the United States, is quite striking. While the UnitedStates’ reliance on external funding has been somewhat volatile over the period presented, Germany has been more reliant oninternal funding, certainly since 2000.

Figure 5.4. Internal sources (gross saving) and external sources (change in liabilities) of funds of non-financial corporations in Germanyand the United States

Percentage of gross value added of non-financial corporations

Home (4)

Source: OECD(2017),“Detailed National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-financial accounts by sectors, annual”, OECD National Accounts Statistics(database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00034-en; and “Financial Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-consolidated flows, annual”,OECD National Accounts Statistics(database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00718-en.


More generally, non-financial corporations have different means to raise external funds. Typically, they borrow from financialcorporations, issue debt securities or issue new shares of equity. Their choices provide significant insight into the expectations,behaviour and structure of the corporations. For example, economies where a relatively large proportion of firms are publiclyheld may engage in more equity financing than in economies where privately held firms are more dominant. This is one materialdifference between Canada and the US, with the latter having a much higher share of listed firms.

The choice of debt or equity may also be related to the business cycle. In times where stock market prices are low and economic confidence is building – such as just prior to or the early part of an upturn in a business cycle, when share values typically start to trend up – investors may be more willing to invest in equity than in corporate bonds, and equity financing becomes more attractive to firms. This equity-business cycle relationship can be seen when economic growth is plotted against the net issuance of new equity, with stock markets tending to lead economic growth; see Figure5.5. On the other hand, in the later stages of a business cycle when share prices are also typically peaking, there may be moreof a tendency to increasingly rely on debt as a source of funds, which can lead to financial stability concerns. Generallyspeaking, in the context of debt issues, a corporation should have enough confidence in the economic conditions so as to notcompromise their ability to meet future obligations (including the payment of interest as well as the repayment of debt).In any case, the choice between equity and debt is an important one for non-financial corporations, which is governed by theavailability of funds on the financial markets, changes in the financial position, and future prospects, and the choice hasvaried considerably over time.

Figure 5.5. Net equity issuance and growth in real GDP, Canadian non-financial corporations

Equity issuance in percentage of total debt and equity issuance

Home (5)

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database),www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 380-0064 – Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, quarterly, www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang= eng&id=3800064.


With respect to debt financing, non-financial corporations also have the choice of short-term or long-term debt. Short-termdebt is defined as any debt with a maturity of less than one year at the time of issue, while long-term debt is defined asany debt with a maturity of more than one year. Furthermore, in many economies, only larger firms may have access to the bondmarket and, especially, the money market. Smaller firms have to rely more heavily on loans from financial corporations toraise funds. The term structure of borrowing in any given period again may reveal a great deal about corporations’ expectationsregarding future growth and financial conditions such as interest rates. Enterprises tend to issue short-term debt if interestrates are highly volatile, or they expect that interest rates will fall in the near future. Enterprises would tend towardslong-term debt when they feel interest rates are stable at an acceptably sustainable level, or if they sense that interestrates may increase in the future. While Canadian corporations’ borrowing on money and capital markets trailed off during thelast recession, their issues of long-term debt advanced as interest rates reached historic lows after the 2007-09 economicand financial crisis. This is demonstrated in Table5.6.

Table 5.6. Debt raised on money and capital markets, Canadian non-financial corporations

Billions of CAD
















Total raised
















Short-term paper















Bonds and debentures
















Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database),www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database),www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=data Table&csid=.


Short-term versus long-term debt may vary considerably across OECD countries and over time. In Figure5.6 a striking feature is the strong reliance on short-term debt in some European economies. This situation contrasts with patternsin other European countries such as Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, where corporations almost entirely rely on long-termdebt.

As with financial investments, information about non-financial corporations’ liabilities can also show from whom (at leastin part) non-financial corporations receive their funding. An emphasis on from-whom-to-whom information is also a featureof the G-20 Data Gaps Initiative (see Chapter10). Traditionally, the financial accounts and balance sheets have provided details on the type of financing received by non-financial corporations, but the focus has mainly been on the instruments – debt or equity, long-term or short-term. Increasingly, users are demanding that an additional dimension be added to the financial accounts: “from whom”, i.e. from whom are non-financial corporations receiving their funds; from domestic sectors or from foreign sectors; and if funds are from domestic sectors, are the funds coming from other non-financial corporations, banks, institutional investors or other financial corporations. This “from whom” dimension provides additional insight into the economy-wide risk associated with sectoral inter-connectedness.

Figure 5.6. Loans and debt securities, short-term versus long-term, 2014

Percentage of total loans and debt securities

Home (6)

Source: OECD(2017),“Financial Balance Sheets, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-consolidated stocks, annual”,OECD National Accounts Statistics(database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00720-en.


Box 5.3. Data sources and methodology for non-financial corporations

Data sources for the non-financial corporations’ sector vary considerably across countries. The source data are used to estimatefinancial accounts and balance sheets, as well as other changes in assets accounts. Data quality and asset-liability detailsmay vary across countries, but there are four basic data sources: publicly available corporate balance sheets, survey statistics,tax data, and counterpart information (e.g. banks’ deposit liabilities or loan assets) or indirect data (e.g. securities’databases). These are not mutually exclusive sources and most compilers leverage as much information as they can, often usingtwo or more data sources. Integrating these data sources is a further methodological complication as each of these data sourceshas its own characteristics.

An issue in the compilation of financial accounts and balance sheets concerns the level of consolidation of national accountsdata on financial assets and liabilities for non-financial corporations. Depending on the source data, this consolidationcan vary considerably across countries. Enterprise-based survey sources tend to present data that are generally consolidatedat the enterprise level, i.e., borrowing and lending among related entities would be eliminated. Legal entity-based sourcedata, however, tend to present assets and liabilities in which the borrowing and lending between legal entities belongingto the same enterprise (group) are not cancelled out. As a consequence, total assets and liabilities will be larger in thelatter case than in the former, and may compromise international comparability. Needless to say, it is important to consultany available country metadata in order to properly interpret the financial accounts and balance sheets data for non-financialcorporations.

Table 5.7. Basic sources of data to construct the non-financial corporations’ sector

Data source/general characteristics

Publicly available financial information

Tax data

Survey statistics

Counterpart or indirect data


Typically annual although, with the increase in private sector databases, sub-annual information is becoming more common


Can be designed to be quarterly

Typically quarterly, or higher frequency for some items (securities databases)


Varying lags, from short lags (partial information) to medium and long lags (in excess of one year) for complete financialinformation; however, with the increase in private sector databases, select information is becoming more timely

Long lag (often in excess of 1-2 years)

Can be designed to have an adequate lag for timely quarterly releases

Typically a short lag


Aggregated, such that limited detailed information may be available

Aggregated, such that limited detailed information may be available

Can be detailed by design

Instrument-specific details


Largely global consolidation for complex MNEs; domestic consolidation for other enterprises (in the case of enterprises consistingof several legal entities possibly only unconsolidated data available). Lack of clearly defined statistical unit

Domestic consolidation, based on legal entities’ statistical units

Domestically consolidated enterprises for enterprises consisting of several legal entities; domestic legal entities for simplefirms

Reflection of domestically consolidated entities


Typically no, as the focus is on relatively large firms

Yes, for legal entities’ statistical units

No, is restricted to survey sample

Typically yes for instrument specific details


Relatively low cost

Relatively low cost, if available

Relatively high cost; concerns about response burden

Relatively low cost

In relation to borrowing from non-residents, there is an additional important dimension: the currency composition of foreigndebt, as foreign investors are sometimes unwilling to assume the additional risk (and potential reward) of an appreciationor depreciation of the currency, with respect to the holdings of non-financial corporations’ debt. In order to guard againstcurrency fluctuations, non-financial corporations therefore often seek or are required to issue debt in a common currencysuch as the Euro or the US dollar. For example, in Canada the majority of private corporation bonds held by non-residentshave been issued in US dollars, to “protect” foreign investors against large depreciations of the local currency. As a result,non-financial corporations are exposed to currency risks when raising funds in foreign currency. Specifically, they will haveto pay interest and reimburse the principal at whatever exchange rate prevails when these obligations come due. This may leadto increased foreign currency hedging activity on the part of borrowers. It is thus becoming increasingly important that financialaccounts provide detail on the currency composition of debt.

3. Capital gains in the non-financial corporations’ sector

The previous section discussed the uses and sources of funds of non-financial corporations. Below, the focus changes to the outcome or result of all this activity – namely the stocks of assets and liabilities, or the stocks of wealth. Before one can examine the net worth or net wealth of non-financial corporations, one needs to first examine, in addition to the net purchases of assets and the net incurrence of liabilities, another set of flows to derive a clear picture of the sector’s wealth. These flows are comprised of the revaluations of assets and the so-called “other changes in the volume of assets”.

Revaluations reflect changes in the price of assets/liabilities during the accounting period, from unrealised gains or losseson those items. Other changes in volume represent changes in assets/liabilities that are not due to financial transactionsor revaluations. The latter flows may relate to, for example, discoveries and depletions of subsoil assets, catastrophic lossesand uncompensated seizures, as well as adjustments to the value of assets not due to price changes. These two types of otherflows are contained in the 2008 SNA “other changes in assets” account.

The “other flows” (revaluations together with the other changes in the volume of assets) have been typically significantlylarger than the financial transactions in many developed countries for a number of years, and this has been led by large capitalgains and losses. This is the case as relevant financial instruments are measured on a market value basis on the balance sheetaccount of the national accounts, and the prices of financial assets (and liabilities) can change significantly, given changingmarket expectations about future returns and risk. By far the largest “other flow” in the accounts of non-financial corporationsoccurs in corporate equity assets and liabilities. This is generally followed by revaluations of non-financial assets, forexample changes in the reproducible costs of fixed assets. Other flows in other financial instruments, such as other accountspayable/receivable, currency and deposits, loans and even bonds, are usually quite small relative to the financial transactions.

The change in the market value of corporate equity provides a good example of the impact of revaluations (see Figure5.7). Corporate equity has fluctuated significantly over time in Canada, as can be seen from the total change in the liabilityequity position valued at market prices (blue line). Clearly, these changes have been governed by the other changes in assetsaccount (grey bars), more specifically revaluations. Given the market capitalisation methodology employed to value equity,volume changes are negligible for the corporate equity liability (but can occur as the result of corporate births and deaths).The revaluations, or capital gains and losses, reflect market participants’ perceptions of the value of non-financial corporations.While gains have tended to outweigh losses over time, generating an upward trend, the impact of the financial crisis and recessionis evident in 2008 and 2009.

Figure 5.7. Changes in the market value of Canadian non-financial corporations’ sector equity – revaluations versus transactions

Millions of CAD

Home (7)

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern= &stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=.


4. The financial position of non-financial corporations: balance sheets

As noted before, the ultimate objective of most non-financial corporations is to generate wealth for its owners. If this is indeed the case, the financial accounts for non-financial corporations require a stock dimension – the sum result of all the activity and other changes of non-financial corporations at a point in time. This “sum of activity” is captured in the balance sheets. The balance sheets provide a “picture” at a given point in time of the stock of assets and liabilities of the non-financial corporations sector. They thus measure, at given intervals (quarters, years), the financial health of the sector, or its evolution over time in a time-series format.

The balance sheet account resembles the structure of the capital and financial account. The balance sheet includes the sector’snon-financial assets, of which the acquisitions less disposals are recorded in the capital account; the stock of financialassets and liabilities, of which the transactions are recorded in the financial account; and net worth. For non-financialcorporations, the balance of assets and liabilities is largely reflected in corporate equity. As we will see later in thissection, equity has a particular treatment in the balance sheets of corporations according to the System of National Accounts.

The balance sheet also sheds light on structural changes in the organisation of local and global enterprises as well as onassociated wealth and financial stability, and thus on the future operating capacity of non-financial enterprises. It supplementsthe analysis of production and income generation that can be drawn from the national accounts supply-use tables.3

Non-financial assets

For non-financial corporations, non-financial assets typically account for a significant share of total assets. When examiningthe non-financial assets section of the balance sheet account of the non-financial corporations sector, it is important toconsider three aspects: coverage, ownership and valuation. In this respect, it could be argued that ensuring complete coverageis the most important consideration in constructing a balance sheet. In many ways, the stock of non-financial assets or capital base explains how non-financial corporations go about producing goods and services and generating income for their owners. Producedassets (e.g. structures, machinery and equipment) comprise the principal non-financial assets for the non-financial corporations’sector, followed by land and inventories. If non-financial assets are not fully articulated on the balance sheet, then thereis a disconnect between the production of goods and services, the generation of income, and the assets that are used by thesector to produce these goods and services and contribute to net worth changes. This potential disconnect is best illustratedusing a few examples.

Currently “branding” does not fall within the asset boundary of national accounts. This means that the development and useof a brand does not find its way onto the national accounts’ balance sheets for non-financial corporations. It is widely acceptedhowever, that firms invest in the development of a brand and then use that brand to sell goods and services and earn a returnon their investment. Excluding this asset is likely to attribute too much return to other assets that are recorded on thebalance sheets. As a result, it is difficult to have a proper understanding of the assets that were used to produce the goodsand services of the non-financial corporations sector.

Another asset that is often missing from the balance sheet accounts concerns natural resources. Non-financial corporationsin many economies are often granted (for a price) the explicit right to extract natural resources by governments. This rightto extract is an asset they acquire in order to produce goods and services. For many non-financial corporations, this is oneof the most important assets that they own and exert ownership rights over (i.e. they can sell the asset). However, this assetis often not reflected in the balance sheet of national accounts, mainly because measurement issues related to the delineationand estimation of the reserves (e.g. proven reserves versus probable reserves) and the future income that can be derived fromextracting these reserves. The exclusion of natural resources is a significant data gap in some countries that leads to anunderestimation of the sector’s assets. As a result, the relevance of these accounts and the international comparability ofwealth data may be adversely impacted.

The second important aspect that needs to be considered when examining non-financial assets in the balance sheets is the establishmentof the owner to which the assets is to be attributed. The purpose of the balance sheets is to provide a current representationof the sector’s assets, liabilities, and the balance of these two categories, net worth. Ownership of assets is an importantcharacteristic that needs to be taken into consideration when analysing the balance sheets of non-financial corporations.National accounts distinguish between legal ownership and economic ownership, with a preference for the latter that is, national accounts allocate assets to the sector of the user (for example, in the case of financial leasing). Therefore,within the balance sheets assets are recorded in the sector that has economic ownership of the asset. In the case of financialleases, a liability (and a corresponding financial asset in the legal owner’s sector) is recorded to reflect the “borrowing”of this asset from the legal owner. This approach links the goods and services produced by non-financial corporations andthe assets that are used to produce the goods and services.

A final aspect to be considered is the valuation of non-financial assets. As many non-financial assets are not regularly tradedon second-hand markets, it is difficult to find appropriate market values for the assets which are in use for a certain periodof time. The 2008 SNA therefore uses an alternative method, called the “perpetual inventory method” or the “current replacementcost method” for produced capital assets, which is based on the past accumulation of assets, adjusted for depreciation andprice changes. Non-produced assets should be similarly valued at some approximation to market value. More details on this,and other issues concerning the measurement of non-financial assets, are discussed in Chapter8.

Financial assets

For non-financial corporations, the largest assets tend to be deposits, accounts receivable (mostly intra-sectoral) and inter-companyinvestment. The latter item, which may consist of equity as well as loans, is not separately recorded in standard nationalaccounts presentations, but included under the relevant instruments (equity or loans). It is increasingly important to beable to separate inter-company investment from the individual instruments, especially given the significant growth in recenttimes of direct investment in subsidiary companies abroad. This is further discussed in the context of globalisation laterin this chapter. Furthermore, portfolio investment has also grown in recent years in some western economies, as the growthof companies’ earnings has been increasingly directed into liquid assets such as deposits, tradeable shares and debt securities(see Box5.1) with growing shares in foreign securities. The above factors have, in turn, led to an increase in the share of financialassets to total assets of non-financial corporations in many economies in recent years. This is evident in Table5.8 with Canadian financial assets gaining ground over Canadian non-financial assets steadily since 2000, growing from 42% to53% of total assets, interrupted only by the effect of the drop in the value of equity assets in the fourth quarter of 2008.As a result, it has become important to analyse the financial assets of non-financial corporations in terms of instrumentsheld. Table5.8 also shows the shares of deposits in total financial assets for non-financial corporations for Canada. As can be seen, theshare of liquid deposit assetshas doubled from 8% to 16% of total financial assets in the 25 years since 1990, with a cyclicalincrease in liquidity evident in the financial crisis period.

Table 5.8. Canadian non-financial corporations’ holdings of financial assets

Share of total assets











Share of financial assets in total assets











Share of deposits in total financial assets











Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database),www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern= &stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=.


It is also interesting to analyse the financial assets of non-financial corporations by counterparty, relating investors andborrowers. Increasingly, statistics are becoming available on the counterparty sectors in which the sectors of the economyinvest, or from which they borrow, as per the G-20 Data Gaps Initiative (see Box5.4). The power of the latter detail on “from-whom-to-whom” (FWTW) information for non-financial corporations is best demonstrated using an example. Assume that users are informed that the non-financial corporations’ sector holds USD 100 million in financial assets. That single number does not reveal anything about non-financial corporations’ risk or their assessment of current economic conditions. Now assume that users are told more specifically that non-financial corporations hold the USD 100 million in currency and deposits. This provides additional information regarding risk (in this case, minimal risk) and indicates that non-financial corporations are probably looking to invest these funds elsewhere in the short to medium term, since they are likely earning a relatively low return. Now assume that users are also told that non-financial corporations hold the currency and deposits, denominated in US Dollars, with a bank in the United States. This information regarding non-financial corporations’ financial assets – how much (the value), what type (the instrument) and with whom (the counterparty sector) provides a complete picture that assists in the assessment of the risk and investment patterns of this sector.

Box 5.4. From-whom-to-whom details and the G-20 Data Gaps Initiative

The importance of measuring the sector inter-connectedness within an economy has been one of the themes of the G-20 Data Gaps Initiative, post-financial crisis. In most affected economies, the rapid transmission of financial instability across inter-sectoral lines in the 2007-09 period underlined vulnerabilities that had not received much attention up to that point. The balance sheet-led financial crisis and recession contributed to an ongoing need to better articulate the assets and liabilities of lenders and borrowers, vis-à-vis different sectors of the economy. This would help users in understanding the inter-relationships and potential proliferation and magnification of risks if major players in one sector experienced economic difficulties.

In short, there is a need to better present financial accounts and balance sheet statistics in terms of interconnections betweensectors. This is presented as sectoral details underneath each financial instrument. For example, if a pension funds holdsbond assets, then the details on interconnectedness would indicate whether these are bonds of domestic non-financial corporations,financial institutions or governments, or whether these are bonds issued by non-residents. This is known as from-whom-to-whom(FWTW) presentation.

Currently, FWTW information in financial accounts and balance sheets is limited and typically embedded in the type of instrument.For example, the non-financial corporation sector’s balance sheets may identify financial investments in non-resident bondsor government bonds; and they may also identify investment in money-market funds or bank deposits (indicating transactionswith banks). Such detail begins to provide a picture of “with whom” non-financial corporations are investing. It signals wherenon-financial corporations feel there is risk and where they sense there is opportunity. The non-financial corporations’ financialaccounts and balance sheets can, in conjunction with the regional or international accounts, also provide insight on where(which economic territory) non-financial corporations are making their financial investments. As part of the G-20 Data GapsInitiative (which is discussed in further detail in Chapter10), it is expected that the FWTW-information will become increasingly available for many countries.


Liabilities of non-financial corporations tend to outsize financial assets by a significant margin. The largest liabilityof non-financial corporations normally consists of equity held by others, though its importance fluctuates over time. Thisfluctuation reflects changes in the market valuation of equity over time, as well as time-dependent preferences for the useof debt versus equity. Loans, marketable debt instruments (bonds and short-term paper issues outstanding) and accounts payablealso tend to be relatively large proportions of total liabilities.

The use of debt securities varies considerably across OECD countries. Figure5.8 presents the use of debt securities and loans by non-financial corporations for a number of different countries. It showsthat the US has the highest proportion of debt securities, which can partially be explained by US non-financial corporations’access to debt markets.

At the same time, the liquidity of non-financial corporations in Canada has also improved in concert with the growth in financialinvestments in liquid assets. A broad measure related to liquidity looks at liquid assets relative to short-term liabilitiesand provides a measure of non-financial corporations’ ability to meet their short-term debt commitments. Figure5.9 demonstrates that, in Canada, this ratio fluctuates over time, but the increase in deposits and portfolio investment suggeststhat liquidity is not currently an issue of concern for the non-financial corporations sector.

Leverage is another measure of the financial health of non-financial corporations. The debt-to-equity ratio is a measure ofthe non-financial corporations’ leverage. Leverage has been on a slight downward trend in Canada, the United States and otherOECD countries over the last 25 years, further underlining the general health of the balance sheets of the enterprises inthis sector. Notably, the leverage ratio based on national accounts data is calculated at market value. This makes the ratiosensitive to stock market swings. Therefore, it is also useful to compile a measure of leverage based on book values or historicalcost. Figure5.10 shows both ratios for Canada. Despite the larger volatility of the national accounts-based ratio, both indicators generallymove in concert.

Figure 5.8. Loans versus debt securities of non-financial corporations, 2015

Percentage of total loans and debt securities

Home (8)

Source: OECD(2017),“Financial Balance Sheets, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-consolidated stocks, annual”,OECD National Accounts Statistics(database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00720-en.


Figure 5.9. Non-financial corporations’ liquidity ratio, Canada

Percentage of liquid assets to short-term liabilities

Home (9)

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern= &stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=.


Figure 5.10. Non-financial corporations’ leverage, Canada

Percentage of debt to equity

Home (10)

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0124 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, financial indicators, corporations, quarterly (per cent) (database),0 www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780124&&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1 &p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=.


Equity and net worth: a key difference between national and corporate accounting

Apart from the valuation and the definition of assets, one of the major differences between the SNA and business accountingrelates to the treatment of equity. Differences between national accounts and business accounts are discussed in detail inBox5.5. Here, we address the differences in defining net worth, net asset value and owners’ equity. The basic accounting identityused in business accounting is:

Total assets = Total debt liabilities + Owners’ equity

In the system of national accounts, the equity of a corporation, in the sense of shares and other equity valued at marketprices, is treated as a liability, hence the accounting identity becomes:

Total assets = Total liabilities (including outstanding equity at market prices) + Net worth (i.e. any remaining residual)

Note that when total assets are equal to total liabilities in the SNA, there is no residual net worth of the non-financialcorporations’ sector. Furthermore, if stock market prices are particularly high, in view of investors’ future profit expectations,then residual net worth may even become negative. This leads to the following three questions:

  • Why is equity treated as a liability in national accounts? The market value of corporate equity is treated as a liability in the balance sheets (and the financial accounts), because all corporate shares have an external owner. For example, assume that a mutual fund invests in the shares of a non‐financial corporation. This investment is a financial asset owned by the mutual fund sector. If the mutual fund holds a financial asset, then there must be a corresponding liability in another sector in this case, in the non-financial corporations’ sector. However, one can also think of the market value of corporate equity(on the liability side of the corporation) as a measure of corporate net worth belonging to shareholders when analysing thenon-financial corporations’ sector in isolation.

  • Can owners’ equity be derived as the net asset value in the system of national accounts? Yes, it can and some countries (including Canada) release such a supplementary national accounts measure sometimes referred to as the net asset measure or current value measure of the corporation. It is calculated as total assetsminus total debt liabilities (i.e. excluding the market value of corporate equity). One would expect that this value is equal orat least close to the market value of the corporate equity liability. However, this is rarely the case, because one amountis based on the value of the shares on the stock market, while the other is based on the intrinsic value of the corporation,i.e. the difference between the assets and the debt liabilities on the balance sheets. The net asset value may also be quitedifferent from the owners’ equity according to business accounting. One reason is the divergent valuation practices. For example,in business accounting, non-financial assets are usually valued at historical cost, while the 2008 SNA applies the currentreplacement cost method. It may also differ due to coverage. For example, some assets are recognised in the national accountswhich are not recorded as such in business accounting, such as intellectual property products. On the other hand, in the caseof business accounts some provisions for future expenses may be deducted from the owners’ equity.

  • Why is there residual corporate net worth in the system of national accounts? Residual corporate net worth is that part of corporate net worth which is not assigned to another sector as an asset. Itcan be the result of the methodology employed in recording assets and liabilities in the balance sheets, or it can be relatedto measurement errors. Measurement errors can arise due to missing or misvalued assets and debt liabilities in the net assetmeasure of the intrinsic value of the corporation, or any mismeasurement in the calculation of the market value of the outstandingshares (listed and unlisted) in the corporate equity liability measure. In addition, residual corporate net worth may arisedue to a “market expectation gap”. More specifically, the share prices of corporations reflect the investors’ perception aboutthe future earning potential and value of the enterprise. If they are “pricing” the shares higher than the net asset value,it may be an indication of i) excess speculative activity; ii) investors’ assessment of assets that are not recorded on thebalance sheets; or iii) investors’ expectations about future profits which are not reflected in the assets. The reverse canalso be the case.

For instance, assume that the non-financial corporations sector’s assets for a given country are USD 100 000 and its debt liabilities are USD 90 000. The net asset value of the firm is therefore USD 10 000 (USD 100 000 in assets less USD 90 000 in debt liabilities). Assume that the sector has 1 000 shares outstanding and the current market value (stock market price) of these shares is USD 15 per share. The market value of the firm’s equity is USD 15 000 (1000shares × USD 15 per share). In national accounts, the difference between the USD 10 000 net asset value (or current value) and the USD 15 000 equity is referred to as the sector’s (residual) corporate net worth. In this case, net worth according to national accounts is equal to minus USD 5 000. Figure5.11 shows these different measures, the net asset value (or current value) and the market value of equity, for non-financialcorporations in Canada. While these measures track each other well over time, they are rarely equal, with the difference representingresidual corporate net worth.

Figure 5.11. Net asset value versus equity (market value) for non-financial corporations in Canada

Millions of CAD

Home (11)

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database),www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern= &stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=.


In economic theory, putting measurement issues aside, the relationship between the market value of equity to a corporation’snet asset value (at current replacement costs) is often referred to as Tobin’s q. Tobin’s q suggests that the market valueof an enterprise should be equal, or close, to its intrinsic value at current values. If Tobin’s q is greater than 1 it isreflective of the fact that investors are assigning a premium to something, likely valuing some unmeasured or unrecorded assetof the company, or expecting larger future profits not reflected in the assets. As can be derived from Figure5.12, the Tobin’s q measure for the non-financial corporations’ sector in Canada is quite volatile, with peaks in the dotcom bubblearound 2000, and around the Great Recession.

Figure 5.12. Tobin’s q for the non-financial corporations’ sector in Canada

Home (12)

Source: Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id=3780121; Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern= &stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=.


Box 5.5. Key financial indicators of non-financial corporations

Just like a business’s financial statements can be used to derive important financial indicators that speak to the healthof the business, the information contained in the national accounts can be used to analyse the overall health of the non-financialcorporations’ sector. Such ratios can be particularly useful, given the recent emphasis on the financial stability of institutionalsectors. Although the level of detail given in sector accounts varies across countries, most compilers should be in a positionto produce some of these ratios.

The following list comprises some (but not all) of the informative ratios that can be calculated from the financial accountsand balance sheets, some of which have been used in the main text.

  • Financial assets to non-financial assets ratio: This ratio provides a broad indication of the structural changes in asset investment, which can be used to assess whetheremphasis has shifted towards or against investment in financial assets.

  • Financial asset composition ratios: The financial assets to non-financial assets ratio can be supplemented by ratios that look at the composition of assets,such as short-term to long-term assets or inter-company investment to other assets. These ratios shed additional light onstructural changes (e.g. shifting away from fixed capital formation and into investment in other companies) and/or preferencesfor liquidity and risk.

  • Liquidity or current ratio (current assets to current liabilities ratio): This ratio is a measure of the sector’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. It may be more useful to exclude otheraccounts receivable/payable. Excluding inventories (the least liquid current asset) is often referred to as the acid-testratio.

  • Short-term to long-term debt ratio: This ratio provides a broad indication of structural changes in liabilities, which can be used to assess whether emphasishas shifted towards short-term or longer-term borrowing.

  • Debt burden (debt service ratio): This is the ratio of interest (and, optionally, principal) payments to debt. These payments can also be scaled to corporateincome. This ratio provides a direct measure of the costs associated with debt, as well as offering a useful supplement toleverage measures. It also provides an indication of vulnerability to interest rate fluctuations.

  • Leverage ratio (debt to equity ratio): This ratio is a measure of the private non-financial corporations’ sector’s financial leverage. A higher debt to equity ratioindicates that the sector has been increasing its relative share of debt in external financing (and vice versa). Fluctuationsin the market value of equity can also cause changes in this indicator; therefore, this ratio is sometimes calculated usingbook values.

  • Tobin’s q (the ratio of the market value of equity to its net asset value at replacement costs): This ratio is a measure of any premium (e.g. valuing some unmeasured or unrecorded assets) or discount (expectations of lowerreturns) investors have assigned to non-financial corporations.

  • Performance ratio (saving or undistributed earnings to equity at book value): This ratio is a measure of the private non-financial corporations’ sector’s earning power on shareholders’ investment atbook value.

  • Return ratio (saving or undistributed earnings to non-financial assets): This ratio is a measure of the private non-financial corporations’ sector’s earning power on its non-financial assets, orcapital base.

  • Internal to external sources of funds ratio: This ratio provides an indication of the reliance on funds borrowed or raised externally in relation to saving or own funds. It provides a rough picture of the changing structure of the sources of funds for the non‐financial corporations’ sector.

  • Saving and/or net lending to GDP ratio: This ratio provides a broad indication of the role of the non-financial corporations’ sector in providing funds for financinginvestments or in providing funds to the rest of the economy.

5. Globalisation, foreign direct investment and non-financial corporations

Globalisation has become an important feature of the present-day economy. In addition to contributing to growth in foreigntrade in goods and services, multinationals are increasingly becoming active in other countries’ production processes, withparts of these processes spanning the globe and being allocated to countries on the basis of comparative advantages and cost-effectiveness(including minimisation of the global tax burden).

Foreign direct investment (FDI), both inward and outward, is a useful indicator of a country’s level of economic globalisation,allowing some insights into how interrelated economic infrastructure is with the rest of the world. Data on FDI provide informationon the first level of connectivity of international inter-corporate relationships, which are closely related to internationaltrade and global production and distribution of goods and services. A more general way of monitoring the impact of globalisationis by compiling non-financial accounts, financial accounts and balance sheets for non-financial corporations broken down byforeign controlled corporations; public corporations (controlled by government); and national private corporations, sometimespart of domestic multinationals. See also Box5.6.

Box 5.6. Foreign control of the Canadian economy – non-financial corporations’ sector

Non-financial corporations account for the bulk of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Canada. The control of employment and capital by foreign non-financial corporations in the Canadian economy is notable, especially in certain industries. For the manufacturing sector alone, these firms contributed500 000jobs or one-third of the total employment in the industry in 2013. Wholesale and retail trade sectors contributed600 000jobs, accounting for22% of the total employment in these activities. In fact, non-financial activities account for the lion’s share of employment controlled by foreign parents. In manufacturing as well as in mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industries, foreign controlled firms hold significant non-financial assets in Canada.

Of the CAD 1trillion in revenues generated by foreign-owned Canadian enterprises in 2012, 37% was in the manufacturing sector. The combined wholesale and retail trade sectors followed with a 33% share. Part of this income is related to sales abroad. Foreign controlled corporations tend to be relatively more engaged in international trade, exporting CAD222.6billion in 2013, while importing CAD 274.4billion representing half of all Canada’s goods exports and58% of all goods imports. While foreign investment contributes significantly to the Canadian economy, there are also certain vulnerabilities with respect to potential production chain interruptions or changes in global production patterns.

On the other side of the ledger are the impacts of direct investment abroad. The focus is again on majority ownership of foreignsubsidiaries. Non-financial corporations account for the largest portion of Canadian direct investment abroad, particularlyoutside of North America and the Caribbean where investment in goods producing industries dominates. In 2013, the activitiesof foreign manufacturing affiliates were mainly located in the North American and Caribbean regions as well as in Europe.Foreign affiliate sales and employment activity in South and Central America, Asia/Oceania and Africa were concentrated inmanufacturing, mining, and oil and gas extraction.

Canadian statistics on activities of foreign affiliates also generate statistics on assets and liabilities, though these arenot yet released with respect to outward investment. One of the forthcoming benefits of this information is a broader perspectiveon foreign exposures of domestic non-financial corporation parents with respect to majority-owned subsidiaries abroad.

More generally, foreign exposures of Canadian non-financial corporations cover any foreign currency denominated assets andliabilities. That includes, among other items, any portfolio investment assets (covered in the portfolio investment survey)and debt issues (covered by other securities databases) as well as direct investment abroad for minority ownership situations(covered in FDI statistics and the direct investment survey). However, for majority-ownership direct investment, domesticparents are exposed to all of the assets and liabilities of these foreign firms. For this reason, they would typically consolidatethese firms in their globally consolidated financial statements, whereas in the 2008 SNA the goal is to only record the transactionsand positions of the domestic enterprises, including their exposures to foreign affiliates. Therefore, statistics on the assetsand liabilities under domestic parents’ control would yield more complete information on the foreign exposures of domesticnon-financial corporations.

In many economies, a significant portion of FDI takes place in the non-financial corporations’ sector. As such, the equityand loans/advances portion of outward FDI are recorded as part of the relevant asset instruments in the domestic non-financialcorporations’ balance sheets. Moreover, inward FDI is included in the liabilities of non-financial corporations, typicallyas part of loans and equity. In other words, foreign direct investment flows and stocks are covered, at least implicitly,in the financial accounts of the non-financial corporations sector. The 2008 SNA recommends showing the assets/liabilitiesrelated to FDI as additional memorandum items to the standard financial accounts and balance sheets. In order to shed lighton the financial position of the sector, the SNA recommendations for the standard tables could be expanded to include additionalfunctional categories or industry details and geographic details forging a stronger link between the sector and internationalaccounts.

More details on FDI of non-financial corporations would lead to a better understanding of the impacts of inward and outwardcross-border inter-company investments, either directly or indirectly, on the economic performance of the domestic economy.Clearly, whether a resident multinational chooses to invest in the domestic economy or in another country has a direct impacton the economic growth and employment in the domestic economy. In addition, more detailed data may lead to a better understandingof risks and vulnerabilities of non-financial corporations. Assume, for example, that a company in country A decides to makea loan to an affiliate in country B. In the typical set of accounts for non-financial corporations, this loan would be recordedas a loan asset on the balance sheets of country A. If, as suggested by the 2008 SNA, additional detail was added that recordedthe direct investment asset as well as any industry or geographic detail, users would know a lot more about the risk and interconnectednessof the non-financial corporations’ balance sheets in country A. We would gain an understanding of the exposure that the non-financialcorporations’ sector in country A has from its affiliates and investments in other countries.

New types of data on the impact of inward and outward FDI, focussed on the concept of control (more than 50% of voting sharesowned), continue to be developed. The OECD Activity of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE) Statistics are part of this work.As can be gleaned from Table5.9, the share of value added and the level of employment generated by non-financial corporations under foreign control differsacross OECD countries, but remains significant.

Table 5.9. Share of value added in manufacturing generated by foreign controlled firms, selected OECD countries

Percentage of total value added




























United Kingdom







Source: OECD (2017), Measuring Globalisation: Activities of Multinationals 2007, Volume I, Manufacturing Sector, https://doi.org/10.1787/meas_vol_1-2007-en-fr.


Key points

  • Developed economies typically have a large and complex set of non-financial corporations engaged in a variety of industries.Non-financial corporations are a subset of the broader corporate sector, which also includes financial corporations. However,the economic and financial activities of non-financial corporations are very different from those of financial corporations.As such, it is important to monitor and understand non-financial corporations’ economic behaviour.

  • Non-financial corporations own and/or use the bulk of productive non-financial assets in the economy and, as such, contributesignificantly to employment, international trade and economic growth.

  • They finance their economic activity primarily through undistributed current earnings, or saving, as well as by raising fundsthrough debt or equity. The latter implies a need to generate sufficient future earnings to cover obligations associated withincurring debt, or providing a good return on investments in their equity.

  • Non-financial corporations have experienced long and short cycles of relatively high and low leverage. This suggests thatmonitoring financial stability in this sector might be seen as a priority, in terms of sustainability of economic growth.

  • In recent periods, non-financial corporations’ financial positions have improved in many economies, reflecting higher holdingsof liquid financial assets. Some policy makers have lamented this trend, arguing that these “excess” funds could be put tobetter use in expanding the productive capital base.

  • Both of the above points suggest a need to understand the financial inter-linkages of this sector to other sectors in theeconomy, by augmenting the financial accounts and balance sheets with details on a from-whom-to-whom basis.

  • At the same time, non-financial corporations are heavily engaged in cross-border inter-company investment, either in the formof FDI or in the form of portfolio investment. Increasingly, non-financial corporations have investments in companies abroadand foreign companies have investments in domestic companies. In recent years, the acceleration of FDI flows reflects increasedglobalisation.

  • The latter, in turn, has two implications. First, shifting global production patterns can affect domestic economic growth,employment and trade. Secondly, these patterns can create vulnerabilities, implying a need to better understand the complexinternational inter connectedness of this sector. This suggests that additional statistical details, for example by breakingdown the non-financial corporations’ sector into activities by multinational enterprises and other corporations, and improvedlinkages with international accounts would be useful.

  • There are many indicators that can be used to analyse the overall health of the non-financial corporations sector. These indicatorsare growing in use and importance, given the increased attention that is paid to the financial stability and growth perspectivesof non-financial corporations. These indicators include, among other things, financial asset composition ratios, the liquidityratio, the debt service ratio, Tobin’s q, the return ratio, and the saving to GDP ratio.

  • While the accounting for non-financial corporations in national accounts is largely similar to the business accounting usedin financial reports, there are also some significant differences. The asset boundary, i.e. which non-financial assets arerecognised, differs between the two accounting systems, with the 2008 SNA accounting for a somewhat larger set of non-financialassets. Furthermore, equity is presented and classified differently: in business accounting, the fundamental accounting equationis Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity, which comprises shares, contributed surplus, retained earnings and reserves (adjustedfor provisions). In the national accounts, equity is classified as a liability. There are also differences in valuation andpresentation between business financial reports and national accounts.

Going further

National accounting and business financial accounting

There are many similarities between what is presented in national accounts and what is included in business financial reports.This is convenient, as national accounts are largely derived from business financial statements. There are also some importantdifferences.


In general the non-financial corporation financial accounts and balance sheets are structurally similar to what you wouldfind in a set of business accounts. Both have an income account, or profit and loss account, but national accounting segmentsincome more finely than business accounting. Similarly, both national accounts and business accounts have an account thatrelates to capital expenditure. Moreover, the SNA financial account is the equivalent to the business accounting statementof change in financial position. However, the latter also includes revaluations and other changes that are treated as separateaccounts in national accounting. The balance sheet is the statement with the largest resemblance between the two bases ofaccounting. However, even in the balance sheet there remain important differences, especially with respect to the classificationand valuation of assets and liabilities.

Valuation of assets and liabilities

At the outset, it should be recognised that, with respect to valuation, business accounting is moving closer to national accounting.The traditional trend in business accounting to rely on book value measures (acquisition cost for assets and issue price forliabilities) and the principle of market valuation in national accounting have resulted in significant differences. The relativelynew international business accounting guidelines for corporations, known as the International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS), recommend more current value accounting for financial instruments as compared to some previous accounting regimes(along with a more comprehensive measure of income). However, this is both a benefit and a challenge for compilers of financialstatistics, as companies in the non-financial corporations’ sector evolve towards IFRS.

In national accounting, non-financial assets will generally be valued differently from what would be found on a typical non-financialcorporation’s balance sheet. Estimates of the stocks of non-financial assets themselves along with their depreciation couldbe substantially different, since the national accounts reflect economic depreciation (rather than tax allowable rates), anduse a valuation at current prices (instead of book value, based on historic costs). Even in cases where financial statementsmove from a book value basis to a more current value basis, the prices and methodology used to determine the current valuesof both non-financial and financial assets could be quite different from national accounting.

In terms of liabilities, while corporations are moving towards more current valuation for tradeable financial assets, thisis not the case for liabilities. This is directly contradictory to national accounting, which applies a market price valuationfor tradeable liabilities. The SNA recommends this, because its main purpose is to measure aggregates in industries, sectorsand the economy as a whole. In this context, consistency of valuation on both sides of the balance sheet and across all sectorsis a requirement related to both the accuracy and relevance of the statistics.

Adjustments to assets-liabilities: provisions

In business accounting charges (expenses) are made against current income for a variety of provisions (e.g. potential assetimpairment, deferred income tax, as well as certain environmental liabilities and employee pension obligations). Provisionsare amounts set aside for probable but uncertain future asset value losses or future liabilities of an enterprise. The useof provisions is consistent with the principle of accrual accounting, where financial events are recorded on a timely andongoing basis instead of when the event may be subject to a cash settlement or otherwise final impact on the financial statements.Provisions also give rise to corresponding adjustments on the business balance sheet account: either an asset is reduced invalue or a new liability is created, and there are matching appropriations from retained earnings in the equity account suchthat assets remain equal to liabilities plus equity. In the case of non-performing loans or trade receivables, new provisionsare one of the entries (along with recoveries and write-offs) in the allowance for doubtful accounts which is netted againstthe asset account.

In national accounts provisions, being due to exogenous events with a likely future impact on the business, are not part ofincome arising from current economic production, and are thus excluded from operating surplus/mixed income (and therefore,saving). Similarly, any provisions based changes to the value of assets or liabilities are not part of transactions in thefinancial account; rather, to the extent that provisions are known, they should be treated as other changes in the volumeof assets. These volume changes would then impact the relevant stocks on the balance sheets, including net worth. However,related to data availability issues, national accountants may or may not record adjustments for these items, as a consequenceof which international comparability may be hampered. On the one hand, the allowance for doubtful accounts is typically deductedin relation to impaired loans and accounts receivable (based on the treatment in source data), with the flow (new provisions)accounted for as other changes in the volume of assets. Furthermore, changes in pension obligations on defined benefit plans,due to actuarial revaluations may give rise to changes in the relevant liabilities on the balance sheets. On the other hand,certain environmental liabilities do not necessarily have a counterpart asset in the economy (a 2008 SNA requirement), andare ignored in national accounts. Similarly, deferred income taxes are not treated as liabilities.

Equity and net worth

The different treatment of equity and net worth in business accounting and national accounts has already been discussed earlierin this chapter, at the end of Indicator4.

Coverage and classification

The national accounts typically have a more complete coverage of assets. Research and development, and other intellectualproperty products, such as software and databases, mineral exploration, and entertainment, literary and artistic originals,are all recognised and recorded as assets in the system of national accounts, whereas in business accounting expenditureson these categories are often treated as current expenditures, certainly when produced in-house.

There may also be some (usually minor) differences in the way instruments are classified. Instruments such as bonds in businessaccounts may be classified as currency and deposits in the financial accounts. As another example, corporate financial reportsshow the components of intercompany investment as separate asset, as opposed to allocating these components with other equityand debt assets on the SNA balance sheet.


Fano, D., G. Trovato and L. Paganetto (2013), Patterns in Financial Flows? A Longer-Term Perspective on Intersectoral Relationships in Public Debt, Global Governance and Economic Dynamism, Springer Milan, Milano.

Greenspan, A. (2005), Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan: Federal Reserve Board’s semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress before theCommittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/hh/2005/february/testimony.htm.

OECD (2017), “Detailed National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-financial accounts by sectors, annual”, OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00034-en; and “Detailed National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Balance sheets for non-financial assets”, OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00368-en; and “Financial Balance Sheets, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-consolidated stocks, annual”, OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00720-en; and OECD (2017), “Financial Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Non-consolidated flows, annual”, OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/data-00718-en.

OECD (2017), Measuring Globalisation: Activities of Multinationals 2007, Volume I, Manufacturing Sector, https://doi.org/10.1787/meas_vol_1-2007-en-fr.

Sánchez, J.M. and E. Yurdagul (2013), Why Are Corporations Holding So Much Cash?, The Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis, Saint Louis, www.stlouisfed.org/∼/media/Files/PDFs/publications/pub_assets/pdf/re/2013/a/cash.pdf.

Statistics Canada (2016), Table 380-0076 – Current and capital accounts – Corporations, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&id=3800076.

Statistics Canada (2017), Table 378-0121 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/pick-choisir?lang=eng&p2=33&id= 3780121; and Table 378-0119 – Financial Flow Accounts, quarterly (CAD) (database), www5. statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3780119&&pattern=&stByVal= 1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid; and Table 380-0064 – Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, quarterly, www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&id=3800064; and Table 378-0124 – National Balance Sheet Accounts, financial indicators, corporations, quarterly (percent) (database), www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang= eng&id=3780124&&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid.

U.S. Federal Reserve (2017), Financial Accounts of the United States (database), www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/FOFTables.aspx.


← 1. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The useof such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements inthe West Bank under the terms of international law.

← 2. It should be noted that here non-financial assets only refer to produced non-financial assets, and do not include so-called“non-produced non-financial assets”, such as land and natural resources. Land, in particular, is one of the most importantcategories of non-financial assets, but few countries have estimates for the total value of land. For more information, referto Chapter8.

← 3. Supply-use tables describe, in detail, the supply of products by domestic industries and by imports, and the use (or demand)of these products for intermediate consumption, final consumption, non-financial investments and exports. The tables alsoshow the production process by domestic industry: which products are produced, and which inputs are used in this process.

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How much you can afford to pay each month on your mortgage loan what monthly payment guideline should you follow? ›

To determine how much you can afford using this rule, multiply your monthly gross income by 28%. For example, if you make $10,000 every month, multiply $10,000 by 0.28 to get $2,800. Using these figures, your monthly mortgage payment should be no more than $2,800.

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“House poor” refers to the situation where a homeowner buys a home beyond their means, and their new home becomes more of a financial burden than a positive investment. Struggling to keep up with housing expenses doesn't leave a lot of room for fun or discretionary spending, either.

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One of the most important things you need when you're buying a home is to have the ability to afford a down payment. You might have to save for a bit first; many Americans have to save for at least six years to be able to offer 20% of the home price.

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Assess your financial readiness and credit score before buying a house. Determine your budget and calculate how much you can afford to spend on a house. Research and explore different financing options, such as conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA loans.

How much house can I afford if I make $36,000 a year? ›

On a salary of $36,000 per year, you can afford a house priced around $100,000-$110,000 with a monthly payment of just over $1,000. This assumes you have no other debts you're paying off, but also that you haven't been able to save much for a down payment.

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A $3,500 per month mortgage in the United States, based on our calculations, will put you in an above-average price range in many cities, or let you at least get a foot in the door in high cost of living areas. That price point is $550,000.

What are at least 3 factors you should consider when purchasing a home? ›

6 Major Factors Of Buying A House
  • Price. For many prospective home buyers, a home's purchase price is their biggest concern. ...
  • Location. Where you buy a home will have a tremendous impact on your day-to-day life. ...
  • House Size. ...
  • Property Taxes. ...
  • Homeowners Association (HOA) ...
  • Amenities.

What 3 requirements should you meet before you consider buying a home? ›

What do you need to buy a house?
  • Credit score / debt-to-income ratio. To get a home loan, you'll need to meet the lender's credit score and debt-to-income ratio (DTI) criteria. ...
  • Proof of income / job history. ...
  • Down payments / closing costs. ...
  • Mortgage lender.
Dec 13, 2022

How many homes should I look at before I make a purchasing decision? ›

View three to five homes in a day, and if nothing jumps out, take a breather and start again another time. Once you view 10-15 homes in person, you probably have a good idea of what's available in your price range.

What credit score is needed to buy a house? ›

A good credit score to buy a house is one that helps you secure the best mortgage rate and loan terms for the mortgage you're applying for. You'll typically need a credit score of 620 to finance a home purchase. However, some lenders may offer mortgage loans to borrowers with scores as low as 500.

How much should you put down on a house? ›

If you're wondering what percentage you should put down on a house, 20% down is the rule of thumb, but there is no one-size-fits-all figure. For example, some loan programs require a down payment as little as 3% or 5%, and some don't require a down payment at all.

How to buy a house for beginners? ›

Steps to buying a house for the first time
  1. Step 1: Budget and Down Payment Plan. ...
  2. Step 2: Look for your ideal real estate agent among the sea of real estate agents. ...
  3. Step 3: Credit Score and Mortgage Pre-Approval. ...
  4. Step 4: House Shopping. ...
  5. Step 5: Make a Purchase Price Offer. ...
  6. Step 6: Get a Home Inspection. ...
  7. Step 7: Home Appraisal.
Dec 2, 2022

Is the 28/36 rule realistic? ›

That being said, it's possible to get a mortgage even if you exceed the 28/36 framework. “It's certainly not a hard and fast rule and not even a guideline,” says Laurie Goodman, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute and Founder of the Housing Finance Policy Center.

How much should mortgage payment be per month? ›

"You want to make sure that your monthly mortgage is no more than 28% of your gross monthly income," says Reyes. So if you bring home $5,000 per month (before taxes), your monthly mortgage payment should be no more than $1,400.

How do you calculate monthly mortgage payment I can afford? ›

The rule states that your mortgage should be no more than 28 percent of your total monthly gross income and no more than 36 percent of your total debt. But our chase home affordability calculator can help refine and tailor the estimate of how much house you can afford based on additional factors.

What percentage of your monthly salary should your mortgage be? ›

Key takeaways. The traditional rule of thumb is that no more than 28% of your monthly gross income or 25% of your net income should go to your mortgage payment.


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