Question Bank - Airbus A320 (2024)



Q 01: TheFull Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) controls which of the followingfunctions:

A: Fuel metering

B: Engine limits

C: Automatic and manual starting.

D:All of the above.

Q 02: TheFADEC is normally powered by:

A: The RAT

B:Its own magnetic alternator

C: The normal aircraft electrical system

Q 03: Duringan automatic start sequence; selecting the ENG MASTER switch to on:

A: Closes the pack valves.

B: Initiates the start sequence.

C: Displays the ECAM engine page.

D:First two statements are correct

Q 04: TheFADEC has control during a manual engine start sequence except for:

A: The high pressure fuel valve.

B: The start valve.

C: Anautomatic abort.

Q 05:Continuous ignition is automatically provided during the following:

A: Flex or TO/GA thrust is selected on theground.

B: ENG ANTI ICE switch is ON

C: Engine surge on stall occurs in flight.

D:Any of the above.

Q 06: TheA/THR is armed on the ground provided at least one FD is on by:

A:Setting the throttles to TO/GA.

B: Automatically at engine start.

C: With engines running; pressing the A/THRp/b manually.

Q 07: If athrottle is set between two detents; the FADEC selects the rating limit:

A: Determined by the throttle position.

B:Corresponding to the higher mode.

C: Corresponding to the lower mode.

Q 08: Whenthe A/THR system is in use:

A: The throttles move automaticallyaccording to FADEC commands.

B:The throttles can only be moved manually.

C: The throttles will move when the A/THRp/b is used.

Q 09: A/THRengagement is confirmed when “A/THR” is displayed in ______ in the right columnof the FMA.

A: Green

B: Blue


Q 10: If anA/THR disconnect switch is pushed and held for more than _______ seconds; theA/THR system is disconnected for the remainder of the flight; including the_______.

A: 10 Seconds - Alpha floor Protection

B: 12 Seconds - Alpha floor Protection

C: 15Seconds - Alpha floor Protection

D: 18 Seconds - Alpha floor Protection

Q 11:Takeoff can be performed using which power settings?

A: Any manual setting.

B: FLEX and MCT.



Q 12: Whenis T.O. INHIBIT and LDG INHIBIT active?

A: TO 750 feet AGL, LND below 1500 feet AGL.

B: TO 1000 feet AGL, LND below 1000 feetAGL.

C: TO1500 feet AGL, LND below 750 feet AGL.

D: TO 1500 feet AGL, LND below 1000 feetAGL.

Q 13: Howmany thrust lever positions are there, and how are they labeled?

A: There are 6 thrust levers positions:TO/GA, MCT, FLEX, CL, IDLE and REV IDLE.

B:There are 6 thrust levers positions: TO/GA, FLX/MCT, CL, IDLE, REV IDLE andMREV.

C: There are 4 thrust levers positions:TO/GA, FLX/MCT, CL, IDLE.

D: There are 5 thrust levers positions:TO/GA, FLX/MCT, CL, IDLE and REV IDLE.

Q 14: Youare just about to take off. You have not inserted a FLEX temperature. Can youstill takeoff?

A: Yes, by setting the thrust levers to theCLIMB detent.

B: Yes, by setting the thrust levers to theFLEX/MCT detent.

C:Yes, but only using the TO/GA detent.

D: Not until a FLEX temperature is inserted.

Q 15: Duringan engine start sequence, the gray background on N2 disappears at about 57%.What does this indicate?

A: That the igniters are no longer beingpowered.

B:That the start sequence has finished and all engine parameters have stabilized.

C: That the start valve air pressure hasdropped.

D: That there is a start fault and a drycrank is in progress.

Q 16: Whatdoes the FLEX represent in the FLX/MCT detent?

A:This is a reduced thrust setting used for takeoff.

B: This is the maximum continuous thrustsetting for single-engine operations.

C: This is the thrust setting that should bechosen in the case of a single-enginego-around.

D: This is a derated thrust according theground temperature of the day.

Q 17: Howmany FADEC’s are installed in the aircraft?

A:Two, one per engine.

B: One, with two Engine Control Units (ECU).

C: Two per engine.

D: Two, one is the active FADEC and theother is a standby.

Q 18: Whatis required for the FADEC to compute a reduced thrust setting?

A: A FLEX temperature must be entered on theINIT page of the MCDU.

B: Nothing, it is an automatic function ofthe FADEC.

C: AFLEX temperature must be entered on the TAKE OFF PERF page of the MCDU.

Q 19: Usingmanual thrust, the thrust lever position will determine the thrust setting forthe engine.

A:True. They will operate like conventional throttles.

B: True, but care must be taken not tooverspeed the engines.

C: False, the next higher detent will be thethrust limit.

Q 20: Whatis considered to be the active range of the A/THR system?

A: During single engine operations from justabove the IDLE stop to the FLX/MCT detent.

B: During two engine operations from justabove the IDLE stop to the CL detent.

C:Both are correct.

Q 21: If thethrust levers are set in the idle detent, is Alpha floor protection stillavailable?

A:Yes Thrust lever position is disregarded.

B: Yes, as long as “A/THR” appears in Columnfive.

C: No, because the IDLE detent is out of theA/THR active range.

Q 22: Isthere any mechanical linkage between the thrust levers and the engines?

A: There is a fiber optic backup.

B: There is a mechanical linkage in case theECU fails.

C: No, it is electrically powered andhydraulically actuated.

D:No, it is totally electrical.

Q 23: Whatis Alpha floor protection?

A: Ithelps prevent the aircraft from stalling andprotects against windshear encounters during takeoff and approach.

B: It is a function of the flight controllaws to prevent the aircraft from stalling.

C: It helps prevent the aircraft from stallingby limiting the angle of bank at lowairspeeds.

D: It helps prevent the aircraft fromstalling by limiting the angle of climbat high airspeeds.

Q 24: Alphafloor protection is available:

A:From lift off and down to 100 feet radio altitude in the landing configuration.

B: From lift off and down to 50 feet radioaltitude in the landing configuration.

C: From lift off and down to 500 feet radioaltitude in the landing configuration.

D: From lift off and down to 750 feet radioaltitude in the landing configuration.

Q 25: How doyou arm the A/THR in flight?

A: A/THR switch ON when throttles are in theengagement mode.

B:A/THR switch ON when throttles are not in the engagement mode.

Q 26: Whatis the difference between variable thrust and the speed mode?

A: Inthe fixed thrust mode, thrust is fixed and the elevator controls the speed.

B: In the variable thrust mode, thrust isfixed and speed is controlled by the elevator.

C: In the fixed thrust mode, thrust isvariable and speed is controlled by the elevator.

Q 27: Theleft column, first line of the FMA is used to indicate:

A: If A/THR is off, armed, or active.

B:The mode of the A/THR in use when A/THR is armed or active.

C: Amber caution messages.

D: The thrust indication.

Q 28: Whatare the two basic modes of the A/THR system?

A: Thrust and Mach.

B: Thrust and speed.

C:Variable thrust and fixed speed.

D: Mach and speed.

Q 29: Is anythrust lever action required if an engine failed at rotation while using FLEXtakeoff power?


B: No.

Q 30: Canthe engines be overboosted in the TOGA position?

A: Yes, if the autothrust function is notactive.

B:No, because the ECU provides engine protection limit by monitoring N1, N2, andHMU fuel flow adjustments.

C: No, because the EIU is responsible for monitoringN1 and N2.

Q 31: Howcan A/THR be ARMED automatically?

A: Whenever a takeoff or go-around isinitiated with at least one flight director ON.

B: When Alpha floor protection is activated.

C:Both are correct.

Q 32: Duringa manual start, how is the start valve opened?

A: It is automatic once the ENG MASTER isplaced to the ON position.

B: By depressing the ENG MAN STARTpushbutton’s on the overhead panel.

C: Bydepressing the ENG MAN START pushbutton’s on the overhead panel while the ENG MODE selector isout of the NORM position.

Q 33: Whendoes oil quantity indication begin to pulse?

A:Decreasing below 5 qts.

B: During engine start.

C: Oil quantity detector or pressure fault.

Q 34: Doesthe FADEC provide EGT limit protection constantly?

A: Yes, in all phases of flight.

B:No, EGT limit protection is only available during ground auto starts.

C: No, EGT limit protection is onlyavailable during ground auto starts and single-engine operations.

Q 35: AutoThrust System: When are the throttles in the engagement range?

A: Both throttles are above idle but notabove the CLB detent when both engines are running.

B: A single throttle of an operating engineis above idle but not above the MCT detent when one engine is running.

C:All of the above.

Q 36: Theidle setting on the aircraft is capable of modulating due to certainconditions. During descent, what mightcause the IDLE N1 setting to increase?

A: The slats are extended.

B: For a higher than normal bleed air demandor warmer than normal engine oil temp in flight.

C:Both are correct.

Q 37:Verification that Autothrust (A/THR) is active can be made by:

A: Watching the automatic movement of thethrust levers.

B: Only when the thrust levers are set atTOGA.

C:Only by looking at column five of the FMA.

Q 37: WhenAlpha floor is activated, what power setting is automatically commanded andwhat FMA annunciation would appear in Column one?





Q 38:Holding the instinctive disconnect push button’s for more than fifteen secondswill:

A: Disengage the A/THR (including AlphaFloor) until below 1000 feet AGL for the remainder of the flight.

B: Disengage the A/THR (including AlphaFloor) until below 500 feet AGL for the remainder of the flight.

C: Disengage the A/THR (excluding AlphaFloor) for the remainder of the flight.

D:Disengage the A/THR (including Alpha Floor) for the remainder of the flight.

Q 39: Duringthe automatic start sequence of ENG 2, you notice that only igniter B ispowered. Is it normal?

A: Yes,igniter A is only used for engine anti-ice.

B: No,normally both igniters are used for all engine starts.

C: Yes,igniter B is always used for ENG 2 start.

D: Yes, igniters are used alternately forengine start.

Q 40: As faras FMA annunciations are concerned, what would indicate that the A/THR systemis active?

A:“SPEED” appears in green in column one, line one.

B:“A/THR” changes from blue to white as shown in column five, line three.

C: “A/THR” changes from white to blue incolumn five, line one.

D: “SPEED” appears in amber in column one,line one.

Q 41: If athrust lever is set between two detents, the FADEC selects the rating limitcorresponding to the higher limit.

A:True. This limit is displayed on the upper ECAM.

B: False. For safety reasons, it alwaysselects the rating limit corresponding to the lower limit.

Q 42: Whatwould happen during the takeoff roll if the thrust levers were set to theFLX/MCT detent without FLEX temperature being entered?

A: Nothing, the thrust setting would be atFLEX since FADEC automaticallycalculates a reduced thrust setting.

B: The thrust setting would be MCT and therewould be no corresponding warnings.

C: ALEVEL TWO warning would sound along with the appearance of an ECAM message.

Q 43: What abnormalswould cause the FADEC to automatically abort a start?

A: Ahot start, an overtemp, a stalled start or no lightoff.

B: An engine overspeed.

C: A hot start, a stalled start, an overtempor APU underspeed.

D: A hot start, an overtemp or an engine overspeed.

Q 44: Duringan in-flight start or a manual start, will the FADEC auto abort for anabnormal?

A: Yes. It will for an in-flight start (butnot for a manual start).

B: Yes.


Q 45: Forreverser actuation, the left engine uses ____ hydraulic system pressure and theright engine uses _____ hydraulic system pressure.

A:Green - Yellow.

B: Yellow - Blue.

C: Yellow - Green.

D: Blue - Green.

Q 46: Whileflying the airplane with A/THR active, the speed knob is pulled and turned to aselected speed that happens to be slower than Alpha prot. What speed will theairplane slow to?


B: Green Dot + 5 kts.

C: Green dot.

D: Green dot + 10 kts

Q 47: Whereis the thrust reduction altitude found and is the number always the same?

A: Column four, row three of the FMA. Itwill always be 1500 ft. AGL.

B:TAKE OFF PERF page of the MCDU (it can be modified).

C: PROG page of the MCDU. It can be modifiedin order to meet constraints.

D: TAKE OFF PERF page of the MCDU. It cannot be modified.

Q 48: Duringa manual start, what function does the FADEC perform?

A:Passive monitoring of the start sequence, to close the start valve and cut offthe ignition on the ground.

B: To control the start sequence and takecorrective action in case of a failure or malfunction.

C: The FADEC does not perform any functionduring a manual start and all actions have to be carried out by the pilots.

Q 49: Duringnormal operation, in what detent are the thrust levers positioned once thethrust reduction altitude has been reached?





Q 50: Aftertake off the A/THR will not become active until:

A:The thrust levers are placed in the CLIMB position.

B: The thrust levers are moved out of theTO/GA or FLEX/MCT detents.

C: The autopilot is engaged.

D: The A/THR pushbutton is manually selectedON.

Q 51:Continuous ignition is provided automatically when:

A: ENG ANTI ICE is selected ON and/or engineflameout is detected in flight

B: ENG ANTI ICE is selected ON.

C:ENG ANTI ICE is selected ON and/or engine flameout is detected in flight and/orthe EIU fails.

Q 52: Is itpossible to disconnect Alpha floor?

A: No, Alpha floor protection is alwaysavailable.

B: Yes, by placing the thrust levers toIDLE.

C:Yes, by depressing the autothrottle push button on the FCU.

Q 53: TheFADEC will automatically abort an abnormal start thereby providing engine limitprotection, but will the FADEC also automatically dry crank the engine?

A: No, that is why there is a CRANKselection on the ENG MODE selector.

B: Yes, even if the crew interrupts thestart by placing the ENG MASTER switch to OFF.

C:Yes, as long as the ENG MASTER switch remains in the ON position.

Q 54: Whatwould happen in flight if the FADEC’s alternator failed?

A: Automatic control of the engine would belost.

B: The standby channel of the ECU would takeover.

C:The FADEC would now be powered using ship’s power.

D: The FADEC would now be powered usingship’s battery power.

Q 55: Youare in the middle of a manual engine start. What are you looking for when youselect ENG MASTER 2 ON?

A: The fuel used is reset, fuel flow isindicated and IGNITION message on the E/WD.

B: The fuel flow is reset, an igniter ispowered and fuel used is indicated.

C:The fuel used is reset, both igniters are powered and fuel flow is indicated.

D: The fuel used is reset, both igniters arepowered and N2 is increasing.

Q 56: EachFADEC is a dual channel (A&B) computer providing full engine management.


B: False.

Q 57: Inaddition to when the engine is operating, when else will the FADEC be powered?

A: When the FADEC GND PWR pb on the maintenance panel is depressed, or the ENGMASTER switch is placed to ON.

B: When the FADEC control switch is placedto the IGN/START position.

C:For five minutes after electrical power is applied to the aircraft, when theFADEC GND PWR pb on the maintenance panel is depressed, or when the ENG MODEcontrol switch is placed to IGN/START position.

D: As long as electrical power isestablished on the aircraft, the FADECis powered.

Q 58: Duringan automatic start, the FADEC controls:

A: The start valves, igniters and fuel flow.

B: The start valves, igniters, HP and LPfuel valves.

C: The igniters and fuel flow.

D:The start valves, igniters, HP and LP fuel valves, and fuel flow.

Q 59: How ismanual arming of the A/THR system accomplished?

A: Bypressing the A/THR pb on the FCU confirm the pushbutton illuminates green or confirm an A/THRannunciation is displayed in column 5 of the FMA.

B: By placing the thrust levers into theactive range.

C: Advance at least one thrust lever to theTOGA or FLX/MCT detent with at least one Flight Director (FD) on.

Q 60: Youare at the start of a descent and a blue N1 arc is displayed showing the newthrust demand. When does this happen?

A: Whenever the thrust levers are moved outof the CLIMB position.

B: Whenever there is a power change inmanual thrust.

C: Whenever there is a power change with theautopilot engaged.

D:Whenever there is power change with auto thrust engaged.

Q 61: A fewseconds after selecting reverse, the amber REV indication changes to green.What does this mean?

A: The reversers have been re-stowed.

B:The reversers are now fully deployed.

C: The reverse thrust selection has beenacknowledged

D: The reversers are unlocked.

Q 62: Duringengine start the amber FAULT light on the ENG MASTER panel illuminates. Thisindicates:

A: Afailure in the automatic start sequence.

B: A failure of the ENG MODE SELECTOR.

C: A failure in the engine fireextinguishing system.

Q 63: Whichsteps of a manual start are being taken care of by the FADEC?

A:Starter valve closure and ignition cut off.

B: Starter valve opening and ignition start.

C: Starter valve closure and ignition start.

D: Starter valve opening and ignition cutoff.

Q 64: CanAlpha-floor be disengaged while in Alpha Protection?

A:Yes, by manually disengaging the auto throttles.

B: No, the system is designed to avoid sucha disengagement.

C: Yes, by reducing at idle one of thethrottles (for more than 5 seconds)

Question Bank - Airbus A320 (2024)


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