A Person Comes Up To You And Makes A Conditional Offer To Give You $100,000, But Then Says, If You Receive (2024)

English Middle School


Answer 1


no because life is more meaningful then a measly $100,000 that can be gone in a matter of minuets, life is about the memories, family, and what comes from it


Related Questions

Can some one help me ?


Answer: For the first two I think it wants you to organize the movies in release order which would be

1) The African Queen

2) Forest Gump

3) The Departed

and for the Holidays it would be

1) Easter

2) Thanksgiving

3) Christmas

Explanation: This is because Chronological is a synonym for time so those are in order of when they happen in time.


The movies are supposed to go in the following chronological order:

The African Queen, Forrest Gump, The Departed

While the festivals are:

Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas


Chronological order is a way of arranging actions, events or things according to the time they occurred.

Emphatic order asks you to organize your stuff in the order of how important it is to you.

so, you'll have to do the next part yourself, based on your emotions towards the things mentioned in the sentences.

hope this helps :-)

Read the excerpt from The Common Sense of Bicycling: Bicycling for Ladies.

By straightening the knees and using the ankle movement freely, the rise of the knees may be lessened several inches. When the pedal is at the highest point, the toe should be raised and the heel lowered. . . . although the right pedal is at the highest point, the knee has made very little impression on the front skirt. The feet should be in line with the machine, turning neither in nor out. The knees must be kept pretty close to the machine and should not move laterally at any part of the circle. The arms should have a slight drop at the elbows. The handles should be about level with the saddle, but this will depend on relative length of arms and waist.

If the writer turned this paragraph into a list of steps, where would adjusting the arms go?

last ooo



i think that it would be last

I think it is second plz let me know if I’m right or wrong.

Which excerpt from "The Masque of the Red Death" best shows Prince Prospero’s self-centeredness? It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughout the seven rooms loudly and clearly, for the prince was a bold and robust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of his hand. It was then, however, that the Prince Prospero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentary cowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers, while none followed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized upon all. When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectral image (which, with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully to sustain its role, stalked to and from among the waltzers) he was seen to be convulsed, in the first moment with a strong shudder either of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddened with rage. But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys.



But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys

The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe is a story that explores the theme of death and the human fear of mortality.

What is the Masque of the Red Death" best shows Prince Prospero’s self-centeredness?

Prince Prospero, the story's protagonist, is a wealthy nobleman who decides to lock himself and his friends inside his castle to escape a deadly plague known as the "Red Death."

Throughout the story, Prince Prospero's self-centeredness is highlighted through his actions and attitudes.

One example of Prince Prospero's self-centeredness is his decision to hold a masquerade ball in his castle while the rest of the country is suffering from the plague. He is more concerned with his own pleasure and entertainment than with the welfare of his subjects.

Another example is the way he treats his guests at the ball. He provides them with all the luxuries they could desire, but he does not truly care about their well-being.

He sees them as nothing more than props to enhance his own status and pleasure.

Learn more about Masque of the Red Death here:



What is the direct quotation in this passage?
As the sun set, Jan leaned back against the tree. She was
calm. The long, hard day was over. "Now I can relax," she
said to herself.
Select one:
O a. Now I can relax
O b. As the sun set
O c. She was calm
O d. she said to herself


The answer is A. Now I can relax

The direct quotation in the given passage is (A) Now I can relax.

What do you mean by direct quotation?

A direct quotation can be defined as the statements where you take another person's words and use them in your own documents.

Direct quotes are often used in the middle of the paragraph to directly put the the other person said without changing the language. There is a use of double quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation.

In the given passage, double quotes marks have been used in the phrase "Now I can relax".

Therefore, The direct quotation in the given passage is (A) Now I can relax.

Learn more about Direct quotation on https://brainly.com/question/1315283


Which statement best explains how the author
develops the central idea throughout the passage?



The frist pragraph


the first paragraph i believe

Does Warren provide sufficient evidence in this excerpt that the difference in pay between men and women is harmful? Yes, because it is clear to any reasonable person that women deserve the same pay as men. No, because she does not provide statistics to back up her evidence. Yes, because she states two important damaging effects that lower pay has on women's lives. No, because the pieces of evidence she cites are not important enough to be convincing.



I just did the test.

the right answer is:

Yes, because she states two important damaging effects that lower pay has on women's lives

Rewrite the following sentences and phrases using the punctuation indicated

1. The American revolution was based on a very important principle. Fought between 1775 and 1783


2. The Johnson family was known for colorful hats and wearing them to restaurants. They owned Viking helmets, beanies, fedoras, and cowboy hats.




1. The American revolution was based on a very important principle. (Fought between 1775 and 1783)

2. The Johnson family-known for colorful hats-and wearing them to restaurants. They owned Viking helmets-beanies-fedoras-and cowboy hats.

What can be inferred from the passage?


Miranda usually does a lot better at English class can be inferred from the passage. Hence, option C is correct.

What is English class?

There is only one sense of the term "English class," and that is: 1. A group of students taking the same English course. Since English lays a big focus on reading and writing, if you take it seriously in class, you'll learn more words and understand English grammar.

The more words you have at your disposal and the more comfortable you become using them appropriately in phrases, the easier it will be for you to communicate with other people.

Anything you describe as high-class implies that it is exceptionally high-quality or that its social position is exceptional. The best place to start if you want to enroll in high school or college is with English classes.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about English class, click here:



Lourdes hadn’t bothered to study for the essay exam, joking that her motto was "fake it ‘til you make it." Now, as she stared in horror at the test booklet, the blank pages were doing the laughing, knowing she had no answers. What kind of figurative language is used? personification simile metaphor hyperbole



I took tests on this I feel you lol

Which is an open-ended question that could be used to start a discussion? What time does the last bus leave? Why do you think the bus should run more often?






The second one because the first one only ask for a time where if you say the time you can’t awnser more but the second is more about opinion which means you can say and add more to The sentence hope that makes sense

Which phrase includes alliteration?
O A. That cookie tastes like heaven on Earth.
O B. The kitchen doors pulled me in, and before I knew it, I had gobbled
down the whole cake.
O C. Ice cream is my savior on days like today.
O D. Some sweet smells are wafting through the kitchen door.



That cookies tastes like heaven on Earth is alliteration because there is repitition of consonant word t in the phrase there is also an alliteration in the sentence Some sweets smells are wafting through the kitchen door the repitition of consonant s and t is in this phrase


I hope this will help you :)

The answer is D. “Some sweet smells”

What does the narrator realize by the end of the story?
A. That Larry Reyes is not such a bad person
B. The depth of her father's anger at her
C. That she is not committed to the revolution after all
D. That she wants to connect with others who have the same





sounds like it but can’t provide an answer if text isn’t included

In the United States, freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. There have always been limits to this freedom. No one, for example, has the right to falsely shout “Fire!” in a movie theater. Newspapers do not have the right to print lies about people. These limits to freedom of speech are universally agreed upon and are not considered censorship. What is it missing? A)A thesis statement B) Background information C) A hook D)The tone is not set



B). Background Information.


Background information is described as the information that readers require for a proper understanding of the topic.

The element that is missing from the given paragraph is the 'background information' as the author is not providing any description to reveal that in what context is he introducing the topic i.e. 'limits to freedom of speech.' The hook or the attention grabber sentence is immediately followed by the background information, but here the author fails to provide any significance or historical value that can comprehend readers' understanding of the topic. Thus, option B is the correct answer.


B). Background Information.


Background information is described as the information that readers require for a proper understanding of the topic.

The element that is missing from the given paragraph is the 'background information' as the author is not providing any description to reveal that in what context is he introducing the topic i.e. 'limits to freedom of speech.' The hook or the attention grabber sentence is immediately followed by the background information, but here the author fails to provide any significance or historical value that can comprehend readers' understanding of the topic. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

How does his handling of them change during the course of the story? What causes this change? Use evidence from the story to support your ideas. THE STORY is the treasure of lemon brown.



a quote from the story about how Greg reacts when the thugs enter the building


"The treasure of Lemon Brown" is a short story written by Walter Dean Myers. The story centers around a 14-year old boy, named Greg who doesn't do well in school and doesn't get along with his father. By the end of the story, Greg changed, coming to realize the importanc of the family, after meeting with Lemon Brown, a local homeless man.

The two successfully fought off a band of thugs who were in search of Brown's treasure, which by the end of the story turned to be a memory of his dead son, rather then money or gold.

In the middle of the story, when thugs threatened them, Greg was scared and nervous, which can be seen in next quotes from the text:

- "For a moment Greg couldn’t move".

- "Greg could feel his temples throb as the man slowly neared them".

- "Greg felt himself near panic".

a summary on the story "The Happy Prince" in 150-200 words. pls





High above a city stands an ornate statue of the Happy Prince, recently deceased. He oversees the town and is pained by the suffering of his people. One night, a Swallow who had not gone to Egypt with his flock for the winter because he was pursuing a beautiful Reed arrives in the city and rests on the Happy Prince’s statue. The Swallow notices the Prince is crying, and the Prince explains that during his lifetime, he had lived in a palace devoid of misery, and therefore had never experienced sorrow. Now, though, he can see the suffering of his people. He then asks the Swallow to distribute the gemstones and gold leaf from his form to various families in need. The Swallow loves the Prince and decides to stay. By the time winter arrives, though, the Happy Prince is stripped of all his beauty while the Swallow dies of the harsh cold. As a result, the Happy Prince’s lead heart breaks. When the Mayor finds the statue in such a decrepit state, he decides to take it down, melt it, and make an ornate statue of himself. The lead heart and the dead swallow are discarded like they are nothing, but when God tells an Angel to bring Him the two most precious things in the city, the Angel brings him the dead bird and the lead heart...

Hope it helped! :)

Sanchez, the defense lawyer, had wanted her client to
plead guilty. Her client, Holmes, probably wasn't guilty, but
the prosecutor was going to use so many shady tactics to
make him look guilty, Sanchez wasn't sure she could win.
With a guilty plea, Holmes would at least get a lighter
sentence. But there was no use arguing with him anymore.
Holmes had insisted. "Even if they lock me up for years," he
had said, "I will never admit to that crime." Holmes was a
difficult man to work with, but Sanchez admired his sense
of honor.
The judge banged her gavel and asked, "How do you
Sanchez took a deep breath. "Not guilty, Your Honor," she
said. And so the trial began.

Which character in the story is most clearly the antagonist?
A. Sanchez
B. Holmes
C. The prosecutor
O D. The judge


An antagonist is someone who opposes the main character or protagonist. He or she represents the main adversary that the protagonist faces.

The answer is therefore Option C.

What function does an antagonist serve?

In a story, the antagonist is the rival or foe who is pitted against the hero or main character and drives the primary conflict.

A protagonist who lacks the characteristics of a typical hero is an antihero, which is different from an antagonist.

Visit the following link for additional information about the antagonist:



Examine the following PSA. A poster of a man and girl that reads, "The smallest change can make the biggest difference. Peace Corps. Live, learn, and work with a community overseas. Be a Volunteer." How is the creator of this PSA sharing a viewpoint about the Peace Corps? by highlighting the positive aspects of joining the Peace Corps by showing what would happen if people did not join the Peace Corps by featuring an important statistic about joining the Peace Corps by providing a strategy to encourage others to join the Peace Corps



(A) By highlighting the positive aspects of joining the Peace Corps.





After turning into a bug, what newfound obstacle does Gregor Samsa face in chapter 1 of The Metamorphosis​



he tries to go back to sleep and forget what has happened to him, but he can only rock from side to side because of the shape of his back. he now has wiggly legs turned up toward the ceiling, which he can't control.


Initially, the obstacles Gregor faces are largely physical. Your answer could include the following points:

Not used to his insect body, Gregor has a tough time trying to get up from his bed. He tries to go back to sleep and forget what has happened to him, but he can only rock from side to side because of the shape of his back.

He now has wiggly legs turned up toward the ceiling, which he can’t control.

He feels an itch on his stomach and reaches out with one of his legs to scratch the area, but his own belly, now full of white spots, repulses him.

When his mother asks him to open the door, he only manages to twist and rock his body.

When he tries to answer his mother, he realizes his voice has changed. Instead of talking, he can only squeak. Although he thinks he is speaking normally, others are unable to hear him.

He manages to turn sideways and dangle off his bed, but he hurts his back in the process.

When the chief clerk from Gregor’s office comes to ask why he’s late for work, everyone urges Gregor to open the door of his room. He manages to turn the lock with his mouth after a lot of difficulty.

He notices that his legs now ooze a sticky liquid.

Still not used to his new body, Gregor hurts himself while trying to scurry inside his bedroom and gets stuck in the doorway.

Underline the dependent clause in each compound-complex sentence. Tania raked the leaves since Mason mowed the lawn; together, they made the lawn look awesome.



since mason mowed the lawn


dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. It does not express a complete thought so it is not a sentence and can't stand alone. These clauses include adverb clauses, adjective clauses and noun clauses.

hope this helps

Read the paragraph from a personal narrative. 1 It may have seemed like an ordinary day to everyone else, but to me, it couldn't have been further from it. 2 Today was my first day working as a waitress at Pete's Pizza Haven, and I could not have been more excited. 3 In fact, I was so excited that I rushed to get ready much faster than I typically do. 4 "I'm ready to go!" I shouted, bouncing down the stairs and flying into the kitchen, where my mom was making breakfast. 5 "I have so much to learn and don't want to be late," I declared for emphasis. 6 My mom just grinned and placed a steaming plate of eggs before me. Which should be added after sentence 6 to most effectively move the plot forward? The excitement of my new job started to wane, and I began to reconsider if this was truly how I wanted to spend my summer. Once I arrived, I quickly learned that my job would also entail wiping tables, mopping floors, and washing dishes. I gulped down my food, grabbed my bus card, and pecked my mother on the cheek as I raced out the door. As I think back on my first job, I remember the many mistakes I made and the important lessons I learned



lea el párrafo de una narración personal. 1 Puede haber parecido un día normal para todos los demás, pero para mí, no podría haber estado más lejos. 2 Hoy fue mi primer día trabajando como mesera en Pete's Pizza Haven, y no podría haber estado más emocionado. 3 De hecho, estaba tan emocionado que me apresuré a prepararme mucho más rápido de lo normal. 4 "Estoy listo para ir!" Grité, saltando por las escaleras y volando hacia la cocina, donde mi madre estaba haciendo el desayuno. 5 "Tengo mucho que aprender y no quiero llegar tarde", dije para enfatizar. 6 Mi mamá solo sonrió y puso un plato humeante de huevos delante de mí. ¿Qué se debe agregar después de la oración 6 para avanzar más eficazmente la trama? La emoción de mi nuevo trabajo comenzó a disminuir, y comenzó a reconsiderar si realmente era así como quería pasar mi verano. Una vez que llegué, aprendí rápidamente que mi trabajo también implicaría limpiar mesas, trapear pisos y lavar platos. Me tragué la comida, agarré mi tarjeta de autobús y picoteé a mi madre en la mejilla mientras salía corriendo por la puerta. Al recordar mi primer trabajo, recordar los muchos errores que cometieron y las lecciones importantes que aprendieron.



i gulped down my food, grabbed my bus card, and pecked my mother on the cheek as i raced out the door


edge 2022

Write a thesis statement about mental health


In order to start of a thesis statement about mental health, you’ll need to think of a question. For example, “Many people wonder what the main cause of depression is” and then after that you should answer the question. Here’s my example:

Many people wonder what the main cause of depression is. According to studies, there’s servers factors which are the main causes such as abuse, death or a loss, major events and other personal problems.

And that’s a thesis. ^

1.Select the proper spelling of the word. A. surviver B. survivor 2. Rewrite the following words, adding -ence or -ance, changing spelling as necessary. (attend) 3. Rewrite the following words, adding -ence and checking to determine whether to double the r. Example: deter deterrence (pre fer) 4. Rewrite the following words, adding -ence or -ance, changing spelling as necessary. (rely) 5. Rewrite the following words, adding -ence and checking to determine whether to double the r. Example: deter deterrence (oc cur) 6. Rewrite the following words, adding -ence and checking to determine whether to double the r. Example: deter deterrence (re fer) 7. Rewrite the following words, adding -ence and checking to determine whether to double the r. Example: deter deterrence (in fer) 8. Complete the sentence below by typing the correct response into the box. To ____ is to derive a conclusion by reasoning.



1. survivor

2. attendance

3. preference

4. reliance

5. occurence

6. reference

7. inference

8. infer


1. survivor

2. attendance

3. preference

4. reliance

5. occurrence

6. reference

7. inference

8. infer

I know what the caged bird feels, alas! When the sun is bright on the upland slopes; When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass, And the river flows like a stream of glass; When the first bird sings and the first bud opes, And the faint perfume from its chalice steals—I know what the caged bird feels! How is the environment outside the cage described? fearful and gloomy depressing and cloudy wet and rainy alive and inviting



I believe it would be alive and inviting.


The author explains all the splendors of nature whilst the cage imprisons him, preventing him from fully taking in the splendor that is around him. Hence creating slight hyperbole that displays his yearn to experience it all firsthand.

You never say what you are thinking, ____?
A. do we
B. don't we
C. don't you
D. do you​


“Do you” is the answer

The correct question tag for the given sentence would be:

D). Do you?

A Question tag is a brief fragment that is interrogative in nature and functions to seek confirmation of an assertion or statement by being added to it at the end.The question tags are framed opposite to the nature of the sentence, For example, negative question tags are employed for affirmative ones. Since the given sentence states a negative assertion 'you never...thinking,' the positive question tag would be framed.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'Question Tag' here:


Which error must be corrected to follow MLA guidelines?

Book titles should be followed by commas.
Dates of publication should be introduced by colons.
Book titles should be italicized.
Dates of publication should include days and months.


Answer: Option C

(C) Book titles should be italicized.


Which error must be corrected to follow MLA guidelines?

(A) Book titles should be followed by commas.

(B) Dates of publication should be introduced by colons.

(C) Book titles should be italicized. <===========+

(D) Dates of publication should include days and months.

Book titles should be italicized.

Why is this considered as an error that follows MLA guidelines?

The reason why it is considered as an error that needs to be corrected is due to the fact that most writing guidelines don't necessarily consider book titles to be italicized.

What is MLA guidelines?

MLA style refers the style recommended by the Modern Language Association (MLA) for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers.It concerns itself with the mechanics of writing: such as punctuation, quotation, and, especially, documentation of sources.

To learn more about MLA guidelines:



What does the author mean with the phrase "we are the heirs of the ages
A. It has been a long time since such a country existed.
B. Only those born here can benefit from the hard work of others.
C. The country offers great riches to those who work hard.
D. We have inherited andmazing gift from our forefathers.​



it has been a long time since such a country existed


answer A heirs of the ages

Read the sentences. Being wealthy in vitamin A, carrots help in having healthy eyesight. Scientists have claimed carrot-eating helps in looking clearly in darkness. Which version of the sentences best improves the flow of ideas? A. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, and eating them improves eyesight. Scientists state that eating carrots helps people see clearly in the dark. B. Eating carrots that are rich in vitamin A can help see in the dark. This is according to what the scientists have concluded after their research findings. C. Eating carrots will give good eyesight to a person to see clearly in the dark. Based on the arguments, scientists have proved this. D. Carrots, being wealthy in vitamin A, help people's eyesight to see in the dark. Scientists have been successful in proving this.


Answer: Answer choice A

Why: Process of elimination.

Not B, because that would be claiming that eating carrots THAT ARE rich in vitamin A, rather than saying carrots WHICH ARE rich in vitamin A.

Not C, As there is horrible flow in both of the sentences.

Lastly, not D, as the original text didn't day anything about how successful scientists have been in proving this, and to say that would be adding on extra information.


B. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, and eating them improves eyesight. Scientists state that eating carrots helps people see clearly in the dark.


What is the archetype seen here?



The archetype seen here is the warrior. What I can infer about Boadicea's character based on this archetype is that she does not give up easily.


(30 POINTS) Question in the picture below \/



Yup it's B

i just answered it

the answer is A if i remember doing these correctly.

My own house was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore, and it had been overlooked, so I had a view of the
water, a partial view of my neighbor's lawn, and the consoling proximity of millionaires—all for eighty dollars
a month.

Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water, and the history
of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there.

The contrast created between East Egg and West Egg suggests that

1. the main character feels comfortable in all social situations.

2. Nick will experience a series of financial pitfalls as the story unfolds.

3. the story's conflict will be based on wealth and appearances

4. the story will be presented from a number of differing perspectives.


The correct answer is C. The story's conflict will be based on wealth and appearances


The excerpt focuses on describing the setting, especially the contrast between the East Egg and the West Egg. This can be seen in details such as "My own house was an eyesore" that shows the narrator is likely at the West Egg which has non-luxurious houses, or in "the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water" that shows the extravagance of the East Egg.

This important contrast between the East Egg and the West Egg suggests the story will likely focus on the conflict between these two places especially a conflict related to wealth or appearances in the East Egg as the narrator mentions "and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there", which confirms the focus is the East Egg and its features.

A Person Comes Up To You And Makes A Conditional Offer To Give You $100,000, But Then Says, If You Receive (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.