ESO Companions Guide | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki | Fextralife (2024)

Companion Skills in Elder Scroll Online (ESO) is a new feature added with the Blackwood Chapter (Release June 2021). You can pick multiple skills for your Companions, make them more powerful and helpful in your adventures. Like your character, companion skills can be categorized asClass Skills, Weapon Skills, Armor Skills, Guild Skills, and Racial Skills. They can slot 5 normal skills and 1 Ultimate skill.

Eachcompanionskill has a cooldown of several seconds. Companions can cast each ability as it comes off cooldown according to the skill order assigned on the companion skill bar.

Note: the companion skills have different effects from the regular skills of the same name.

Name & Image Companion Skill Type Description Cooldown
Cost Cast Time


Sharp-As-Night Beasts of the Hunt Companion commands a cliff racer to dive bomb an enemy, dealing 4212 Magic Damage. If they are more than 7 meters away from the target, they set them Off Balance for 7 seconds. 12s -- 0.15s 28m


Sharp-As-Night Beasts of the Hunt Companion provokes a cloud of fetcherflies to swarm an enemy, dealing 6315 Magic Damage over 8 seconds. The fetcherflies rip through the enemy's flesh, afflicting them with Minor Vulnerability for the duration, increasing their damage taken by 5%. 12s -- 0.4s


Sharp-As-Night Beasts of the Hunt Companion unearths a group of fiery shalk that attack dealing 2106 Magic Damage to enemies in front of them. After the shalk complete their attack, they burrow underground for 3 seconds and resurface again, dealing 2106 Magic Damage to enemies in front of them. 16s -- 0.5s


Sharp-As-Night Beasts of the Hunt Companion provokes a spectral kagouti to charge and toss the enemy for 12636 Physical Damage, stunning them for 3 seconds. This ability deals 150% more damage to enemies below 25% Health. -- 200 Ultimate 0.1s 28m

Fungal Forage

Sharp-As-Night Verdant Growth Companion musters a cluster of mushrooms, healing you and your allies for 4338 Health. Heals for 50% more on allies that are within 8 meters of Companion. Used when Companion or an ally is below 75% Health. 12s -- 0.4s 20m

Petals of the Hunter

Sharp-As-Night Verdant Growth Companion calls on the essence of a carnivorous bloom, causing their Light Attacks to restore 1808 Health to themselves and 2 nearby allies for 8 seconds. 16s -- 0.5s

Perennial Bloom

Sharp-As-Night Verdant Growth Companion summons a field of blooming flowers, healing you and nearby allies for 867 Health every 2 seconds over 8 seconds. Used when Companion or an ally is below 75% Health. 12s -- 0.4s 8m


Sharp-As-Night Winter's Bite Companion conjures ice armor for themselves and their grouped allies which grants Major Resolve, increasing Physical and Spell Resistance by 90 for 5 seconds. 8s -- 0.2s 12m

Cold Snap

Sharp-As-Night Winter's Bite Companion encircles themselves with ice shards to skewer enemies in the area, immobilizing them for 3 seconds and dealing 1025 Frost Damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Damage done is based on Companion's Max Health. 12s -- 0.6s

Snow Squall

Sharp-As-Night Winter's Bite Companion envelops themselves in winter winds, instantly healing for 5279 Health and an additional 1319 Health every 2 seconds over 8 seconds. This ability scales off their Max Health. Used when Companion is below 75% Health. 16s -- 0.5s

Abor's Augmented Ward

Azandar Quill Knight Companion draws on advanced research to gain a damage shield that absorbs 2475 damage for 6 seconds. The first time they take direct damage after casting, the shield retaliates and deals 4950 Magic Damage to the attacker. 15.5s -- 0.8s

Scathing Rune

Azandar Quill Knight Companion uses a runic technique to taunt their enemy to attack them, applying Minor Maim to them for 15 seconds, reducing their damage done by 5%. Used when the enemy is not already taunted. 11.6s -- 0.5s 10m

Fear of the Unknown

Azandar Quill Knight Companion confronts an enemy with the unknowable truth of reality, applying Fear to them for 4 seconds. 7.8s -- 0.4s 15m

Triptych Physic

Azandar Revitalizing Researcher Companion launches a trio of restorative runes at themselves or an ally, healing for 1650 Health three times. Used when Companion or an ally is below 75% Health. 7.8s -- 0.6s 28m

Shields of Erudition

Azandar Revitalizing Researcher Companion manifests spinning discs of pure knowledge to surround themselves and up to 2 allies, granting a damage shield that absorbs 4950 damage for 6 seconds. 11.6s -- 0.5s 28m

Zone of Recuperation

Azandar Revitalizing Researcher Companion outlines a domain of eldritch power, healing them and their allies standing within for 825 Health over 8 seconds and granting 150 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery. 15.5s -- 0.5s

The Triune Word

Azandar Scholar of Apocrypha Companion crafts a trio of runes before launching them at an enemy, dealing 1650 Magic Damage three times. 7.8s -- 0.4s 22m

Tendrils of the Colorless Sea

Azandar Scholar of Apocrypha Companion infuses their arm with abyssal arcanum and thrusts forward, dealing 2475 Physical Damage to enemies and applying Minor Vulnerability to them for 6 seconds, increasing the damage they take by 5%. 11.6s -- 0.4s 15m

Fate Omen's Inspiration

Azandar Scholar of Apocrypha Companion charges their weapons and their allies' weapons with apocryphal energy for 8 seconds, applying Minor Berserk, increasing their damage done by 5%. 15.5s -- 0.3s

Vigorous Tentacular Eruption

Azandar Scholar of Apocrypha Companion creates a gate to Apocrypha beneath an enemy. After 2 seconds, a swarm of hideous tentacles burst through the gate, dealing 7425 Magic Damage to enemies within the gate, knocking them up in the air and stunning them for 3 seconds. Enemies damaged by the tentacles receive Major Vulnerability for 4 seconds, increasing their damage taken by 10%. -- 200 Ultimate 2s 28m

Sun Brand

Isobel Veloise Blazing Might Companion hurls a blazing ball of fire at an enemy, dealing 4200 Flame Damage on impact and an additional 3144Flame Damage over 8 seconds. 11.6s -- 0.2s

Penetrating Strikes

Isobel Veloise Blazing Might Companion attacks four times with a magic spear, dealing 1400Magic Damage to all enemies in front of them with each strike. After their assault, Companion grants themselves and nearby allies a boon that increases the damage of their next Light or Heavy Attack by 50%. 15.5s -- 1s Self

Divine Destruction

Isobel Veloise Blazing Might Companion unleashes a concentrated beam of divine energy at an enemy, dealing 15750Magic Damage over 3 seconds. Used when the enemy is below 25% Health. 7.8s -- 3s 28m


Isobel Veloise Blazing Might Companion channels their energy and conjures a weapon made of sunlight before striking downward, dealing 4200 Magic Damage to all enemies in front of them. Enemies damaged by Baneslayer have particles remaining on them for 10 seconds that detonate for 2100Magic Damage when a player deals damage to them. -- 200 Ultimate 3.8s 15m

Solar Ward

Isobel Veloise Brilliant Shield Companion summons the power of the sun to defend themselves from harm, reducing incoming damage by 20% and granting a damage shield that absorbs up to 12.5% of their Max Health for 6 seconds. 7.8s -- 1s

Gallant Blitz

Isobel Veloise Brilliant Shield Companion charges toward their enemy with a vibrant spear that bursts in a flash of light, setting all enemies in the area Off Balance for 7 seconds. 11.6s -- Instant 7-22m

Spear of Light

Isobel Veloise Brilliant Shield Companion hurls a barrage of spears made of radiant light at all targets in front of them, dealing2100Magic Damageand knocking them down for 4 seconds. This attack ignores the enemy's Resistances. 15.5s -- 0.5s 15m

Blessed Sacrament

Isobel Veloise Healing Grace Companion sends out a burst of soothing light, healing themselves or a nearby ally for 2100Health, and an additional 787every 2 seconds for 8 seconds as the light momentarily lingers. Used when Companion or an ally is below 75% Health. 7.8s -- 0.8s 28m

Holy Ground

Isobel Veloise Healing Grace Companion consecrates the ground under them for 8 seconds, healing themselves and nearby allies 1050Health every 2 seconds and snaring enemies by 50%. Used when Companion or a nearby ally is below 75% Health, or if an enemy is nearby. 15.5s -- 0.5s

Beam of Reproach

Isobel Veloise Healing Grace Companion bathes an enemy in a beam of sunlight, immediately dealing2100Magic Damageand healing allies nearby for 2100Health. The residual light will then continue to heal allies near the enemy for 525Health every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. 11.6s -- 8s 28m

Raging Storm

Ember Lightning Caller Companion creates a thunderstorm that follows the target, striking all enemies within for 1012 Shock Damage every 1 second for 8 seconds. The final strike deals 300% additional damage to enemies under 25% Health. -- 200 Ultimate 0.2s


Crystal Blast

Ember Lightning Caller Companion conjures dark crystals to bombard an enemy, dealing 5396 Magic Damage. 8s -- 0.8s 28m

Thunderous Strike

Ember Lightning Caller Companion calls down an explosion of lightning to finish off an enemy, dealing 16187 Shock Damage and an additional 5396 Shock Damage to other nearby enemies. Used when the enemy is below 25% Health. 16s -- Instant 28m

Shocking Burst

Ember Lightning Caller Companion creates a nexus of storm energy at the target location, instantly dealing 2698 Shock Damage to all enemies in the area and an additional 3033 Shock Damage over 8 seconds. 8s -- 0.6s

Hurricane Visage

Ember Mischievous Caster Companion manifests themselves as pure lightning, zapping nearby enemies with electricity dealing 2691 Shock Damage over 8seconds. While in this form their damage taken is reduced by 20%. 12s -- 0.4s

Trickster's Trap

Ember Mischievous Caster Companion dazzles an enemy in a ball of magic, stunning them for 3 seconds. 8s -- 0.6s


Ember Mischievous Caster Companion uses binding magic to immobilize enemies in front of them for 4 seconds and heal themselves for 7425 Health over 8 seconds. 16s -- 0.4s

Quick Fix

Ember Playful Schemer Companion patches themselves or an ally with restorative magic, healing for 4950 Health. Used when Companion or an ally is below 75% Health. 8s -- 0.6s 28m

Second Wind

Ember Playful Schemer Companion uses their backup resources, reducing the cooldown of all their other abilities by 5 seconds. 16s -- 0.3s Self

Shared Wards

Ember Playful Schemer Companion conjures wards made of energy for protection, granting a damage shield for them and their nearby allies that absorbs 2475 damage for 6 seconds. Targets affected by the shield are also healed for 2475 Health over 8 seconds. 12s -- 0.6s

Shadow Slash

Mirri Elendis Deadly Assassin Mirri slashes an enemy, dealing 5099Magic damage and setting them off balance for 7seconds. 12s -- 0.3s


Warp Strike

Mirri Elendis Deadly Assassin Flashes through the shadows and ambushes an enemy, dealing 5099Magic damage. 16s -- 0.4s 5-22 m

Slayer's Blade

Mirri Elendis Deadly Assassin

Thrusts a Magic blade with lethal precision to finish off an enemy, deal 15296Magic damage.

Used when enemy is below 25% Health.

8s -- 0.2s 5m

Impeccable Shot

Mirri Elendis Deadly Assassin

Marks an enemy and exposes their weakness, causing them to take 20% more damage for 3seconds.

While the enemy is exposed she builds up to a single killing shot, unleashing a massive bolt that deals 15296physical damage.

3s 170 Ultimate 3s 28m

Life Absorption

Mirri Elendis Soul Thief Steals an enemy's life force, dealing 2549Magic Damage and healing themselves or an ally around them for 9221Health. 12s -- 0.2s 28m

Blood Transfusion

Mirri Elendis Soul Thief

Infuses an ally with blood, healing them for 8160Health over 8seconds.

8s -- 0.4s (8s) 28m

Life Siphon

Mirri Elendis Soul Thief

Siphons the vigor from the blood of enemies around them, dealing 2549Magic damage and healing themselves and their allies for 2723Health.

16s -- 0.6s 8m

Ghostly Evasion

Mirri Elendis Living Shade

Surrounds themselves in a phantasmic aura, dodging the next attack made against them while also reducing their damage taken by 20% for 8seconds.

Used when Mirri Elendis is below 75% Health.

12s -- 0.6s (8s) --

Masque of Torment

Mirri Elendis Living Shade Terrifies nearby enemies, causing them to cower in fear for 4seconds. 8s -- 0.5s (4s) 6m

Twilight Mantle

Mirri Elendis Living Shade

Mirri Elendis shrouds themselves in refreshing shadows, healing for 25% of their Max Health and becoming invisible for 3 seconds.

Used when Mirri Elendis is below 50% Health.

16s -- 0.3s (3s) 36m

Unleashed Rage

Bastian Hallix Ardent Warrior

Bastian Hallix builds up rage, then unleashes it in a devastating explosion around them.

The explosion deals 8168Flame Damage to enemies and stuns them for 4 seconds, while also releasing four lines of fire in a cross formation that deal an additional 2042Flame Damage to any enemy they hit.

-- 170 Ultimate 2s 10m

Fiery Flail

Bastian Hallix Ardent Warrior Companionlashes an enemy with flame, dealing 5445Flame Damage and setting them Off Balance for 7 seconds. 12s -- 0.5s 5m

Scorching Strike

Bastian Hallix Ardent Warrior Companionslashes an enemy with flame, dealing 5445Flame Damage and additional 8168Flame Damage over 8 seconds. 16s -- (0.2s)8s 5m

Crag Smash

Bastian Hallix Ardent Warrior Companion hurls a chunk of molten rock at an enemy, dealing 5445Physical Damage. 8s -- 0.4s 28m


Bastian Hallix Radiating Heart

Companion launches a searing fireball at themselves or an ally to cauterize their wounds, healing for 4950Health.

Used when Bastian Hallix or an ally is below 75% Health.

8s -- 0.3s

Basalt Barrier

Bastian Hallix Radiating Heart

Companion calls the earth to their defense, granting a damage shield for them and their nearby allies that absorbs 2475damage for 6 seconds.

While the damage shield holds, healing received is increased by 15%.

12s -- 0.6s

Searing Weapons

Bastian Hallix Radiating Heart Companion charges they and their allies' weapons with volcanic power, increasing their damage done with light and heavy attacks by 15% for 8 seconds. 16s -- 0.2s

Blazing Grasp

Bastian Hallix Draconic Armor Companion launches a fiery chain to grasp and pull an enemy to them.Used when the enemy can be moved and is further than 10 meters away. 8s -- 0.2s 10-22m

Drake's Blood

Bastian Hallix Draconic Armor

Companion draws on their draconic blood, healing for 25% of their MaxHealthand reducing their damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds.

Used when Companion is below 75% Health.

12s -- 0.4s

Crushing Claws

Bastian Hallix Draconic Armor Companion calls forth talons from the ground, dealing 2723Flame Damage to enemies nearby and immobilizing them for 4 seconds. 16s -- 0.6s 6m
ESO Companions Guide | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki | Fextralife (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.